Norwood 0 on right temple Norwood 3 on left temple!!


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I dont get it, I started loosing my hair about two years ago. But only on my right temple. Little hair loss on my left temple. Now, my left temple looks plain wierd. I went to a derm and he said that it was male pattern baldness but i dont know. I have been using finasteride for a year on and of and minoxidil everyday, but only got 10 strong thick hairs growing on temple. Anyone experience this?


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Let me get this right. Did you grow 10 hairs where your loss on the right side of the temple. If that so then Propecia is working for you. You must understand that most people that loss there hair will not loss it in an equal pace on both side. My right side is a little be worse then my left.


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I'll have to agree. If you even saw regrowth, Propecia must have been working for you.

For the records, my hairline has been pushed back more on my left side.


pbx said:
I'll have to agree. If you even saw regrowth, Propecia must have been working for you.

For the records, my hairline has been pushed back more on my left side.

yep, same here.


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For me the left was stronger than the right. Now the right is over taking the left since I started treatments.


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Yeah, don't worry about the asymmetry, my left side was balding fast before treatment and now its practically perfect after 9 months treatment, and we are talking temples here. My right side was in great shape before treatment and now its really beat up, but I know it will regrow with continuous treatment. Your best combo long term will be to use a minoxidil solution followed by Topical spironolactone 5% 10 min later, trust me!


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It is getting better though

I have seen about 30 new hairs where i use folligen and minoxidil. It is getting harder to comb my hair now with all that missing hair