Norwood 6 Hair Trainsplant Inspirations, For Those Who Suffer


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Hey guys.
As I am very young and heading on to final Norwood 6 Pattern I searched days and days for good Hair Transplant results on this high status. Maybe it can help some of you, who suffers and depressed of all this sh*t like me.

Of course you can find a lot of results on H&W Result pages and so on but here are some good results, which may not be fount on the vendors page, but are very impressive, I guess:

All best to you guys, dont give up!


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First, thanks for posting. I am always interested in NW6 cases.

Second, these are all good results, but I think it should be stressed that these are some pretty big surgeries in some very good candidates and, IMHO, these are not typical results. I.e not all NW6 can have this result. Also, some of the numbers do not add up as one of the FUE cases comes out to an average of 3 hairs per FU, which is very unusual. I.e. maybe he had an exceptionally good donor, but most people wont have that.

Third, recognize that, for all intents and purposes, most of these guys are burning all of their donor (often in 1 session) to get these results. That is not necessarily a bad choice, but it is a bit risky. There is a dark side to these megasessions in that they don't always have the best yield and if you burn all of your grafts in one giant operation and it does not go well (plenty of examples of this online) you may be stuck with limited options for repairing things. I am not saying that megasessions are bad (they can save you a lot of time if they go well, that's for sure), but they are talked about online as maybe being a bit better than they are in real life. Multiple smaller sessions are, IMHO definitely safer, but take a ton more time to get to the final result and you have to go through several cycles of surgery/healing/growth, (and maybe multiple plane trips too) which is also a drag.


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:) Thanks at all.
I guess there'some guys out their which are heading on to a nw7 and cant stop it. I feel very sorry for them as well.

But from what i've seen and i found a lot of result spending hours on these pages now to get hope: IHMO if yo choose the right doctor and find your best medical treatment there is hope to improve things , in a very good way!

I also never thought about getting a nw0 with my nw5 to 6 pattern and fine hair but I have a realistic expectation with a very conversative hairline and keep up with my treatmens, so I will be ok in less then 2 years, i hope.

One more good result:
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Yeah, modern hair transplant surgeons can do a lot. They can't return a NW7 to fullhead but they can put hair in your crown and give you a conservative hairline and make it look better than it did. Some surgeons also utilize beard hair and body hair to help fill in a hairline or give more density. Here is an example of a slick bald Norwood 7 guy who was able to get a diffuse look from extensive hair transplants. And that is with today's technology. Hopefully in the future something will come of hair multiplication and even better results will be possible.


Walt White

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I'm curious about this because I'm a Norwood 6, too and thinking of getting a transplant. Btw one thing I noticed. Why is the donor area always the back of the head? Can't hair be extracted from the temples? Those are pretty resilient to DHT as well. Also, does FUE eventually lead to depletion of follicles in the donor area? Because that might affect future transplants.


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Walt, you can extract some hair from the sides/temples but less than you can from the back. For FUT the strip is tapered over the ears and cannot extend too far forward to allow safe and cosmetically acceptable closure. For FUE an overharvested side will make you look sickly and abnormal.

There is a "sweet spot" in the back of the head that contains the ideal donor hair.


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Wayne Rooney basically raped his donor with several FUE's:


Yep, sickly and abnormal.

Where are all the people who were mocking Rooney a few years ago when they were looking at pictures of him like 6 months after his hair transplant?

When you think that he should be a slick NW5 on these pictures.

Immense improvement.

Aesthetically he looks a million times better than he did. However, that's partly due to the fact that he has to spend a whole can of toppik whenever he goes out


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The concealer needs to be disclosed with the Rooney result. If clinics are going to use PR pieces like the UK newspapers as a way of marketing the public has a right to know the specifics of what they are seeing otherwise it becomes deceptive. If someone opts for a hair transplant and they need to use concealer that's great but they should have the information beforehand. The issue of marketing fraud in these situations probably does not a apply because the sources for the PR pieces are not formal marketing outlets for the hair transplant industry.

Walt White

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Walt, you can extract some hair from the sides/temples but less than you can from the back. For FUT the strip is tapered over the ears and cannot extend too far forward to allow safe and cosmetically acceptable closure. For FUE an overharvested side will make you look sickly and abnormal.

There is a "sweet spot" in the back of the head that contains the ideal donor hair.

Forgive me but there's something I don't understand. The hair that's harvested for FUT and FUE does actually grow back, right? So how can one side look overharvested than the other? Also, since that hair does come back, doesn't it mean that there is an infinite supply of donor follicles? I'm sorry if I sound stupid but I genuinely don't know.


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With a strip the density above and below the scar is unchanged. With FUE you can have diffuse loss of density if the surgeon doesn't do a good job or if you are a bad candidate.

Walt White

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With a strip the density above and below the scar is unchanged. With FUE you can have diffuse loss of density if the surgeon doesn't do a good job or if you are a bad candidate.

So there is, in fact, a possibly infinite supply of donor hair. If you stick to FUT, I mean.


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No, it's not infinite since once you take the follicles out of the donor region, they are no longer present in the donor region and are instead growing in the recipient region. If it was infinite then it would be hair multiplication and baldness would be cured. As of now we have to deal with a limited supply and creating an illusion of density. The problem with current hair transplantation is if you have advanced baldness NW6-7 you are trying to make hair from a donor area with a surface area of a credit card try to fit an area the size of a bowl. You can't get thick density that way. Hopefully eventually stuff like Tsuji/ Riken Kyocera will come out and help pave the way to hair multiplication and the amount that can be transplanted will be greatly increased.

Walt White

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No, it's not infinite since once you take the follicles out of the donor region, they are no longer present in the donor region and are instead growing in the recipient region. If it was infinite then it would be hair multiplication and baldness would be cured. As of now we have to deal with a limited supply and creating an illusion of density. The problem with current hair transplantation is if you have advanced baldness NW6-7 you are trying to make hair from a donor area with a surface area of a credit card try to fit an area the size of a bowl. You can't get thick density that way. Hopefully eventually stuff like Tsuji/ Riken Kyocera will come out and help pave the way to hair multiplication and the amount that can be transplanted will be greatly increased.

Thank you for the reply. But like follicle2001 said, FUT doesn't affect the density of the donor area. So shouldn't it be possible? At least in theory. I mean, hair follicles do grow back even after waxing. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do that after FUT. Or even FUE for that matter.


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It doesn't affect the density of the areas that weren't removed, only in the strip, but the hairs that were removed won't grow back in that area because the follicles aren't there anymore, they are in your donor area now


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Forgive me but there's something I don't understand. The hair that's harvested for FUT and FUE does actually grow back, right? So how can one side look overharvested than the other? Also, since that hair does come back, doesn't it mean that there is an infinite supply of donor follicles? I'm sorry if I sound stupid but I genuinely don't know.

If only, if only...


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Hmm. That's strange. I haven't seen any results of FUT that caused donor loss. Could you provide some links?

Well, maybe I've misinterpreted your comment - I took your comment to mean that harvested follicles in the donor area somehow grow back (giving an infinite supply of follicles).

Walt White

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Well, maybe I've misinterpreted your comment - I took your comment to mean that harvested follicles in the donor area somehow grow back (giving an infinite supply of follicles).

That is what I meant, actually. You haven't misinterpreted. However, I've seen plenty of hair transplant pictures and none of them seem to show any loss of density in the donor area. Which led to my confusion. I guess you could explain that by saying a loss of 5000 grafts doesn't significantly affect the appearance of the donor area. Idk.