
Norwood Cemetery's Hairloss Regimen(nw2, 20 Yo, Awful Right Temple)

Norwood Cemetery

New Member
My Regimen
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My hairloss progression so far:
Lost my NW0 quickly at 17 and moved to NW1.
At 18 my right temple reached Nw1.5 while left temple stayed the same. I tried minoxidil but had to quit due to sides(acne, dark circles)

2 months ago I buzzed my head and hairloss had progressed to NW2.25 on the right temple which also had receded far back , while my left temple hasd reached NW2 without moving back a lot. Crown is a bit thinner at the right side but isn't very noticable .

-Exercising for better blood circulation
-Started finasteride 2 months ago. So far no sides apart from the nocebo effect. I have no problem getting full erections, as long as I get over the anxiety of getting sides.

2 month update:

Left temple has moved back to NW1.5 because of long light brown vellus hairs filling the temples. Hopefully they turn terminal.

Right temple seems to have improved too but not as much. At the beginning of the treatment I lost some thinned out hair from my right temple(was probably heading to NW3 fast. Right now I see a couple of long light brown vellus hairs growing on a bald spot and my right temple is filled with lots of vellus hairs that cover the nw1.5 area. .

My main goal is to maintain my hair or at least slow down hairloss a lot. Since I am balding prematurely and somewhat aggressively I am willing to try Duta if finasteride fails to slow down hairloss. Will probably get an hair transplant in 5 years or so if my hairline recedes further.

I'd also like to regrow my right temple since it looks very receded compared to the left one.

May try these following treatments to stimulate hair growth on my right temple:
-Dr Pen 2-2.5mm every 10-14 days
-Peppermint or Spearmint oil(not really sure about that, would like to hear about your experiences with them)
-Scalp massages for 5min once per day (dont think it works tbh)
