Norwood Stage 3 Vertex And A Hair Transplant


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Hi Everyone,

New to the forum here as I'm researching getting a transplant done. As per the title I'm at stage 3 vertex on the Norwood scale. I've been losing my hair slowly for about 4 years now but its getting more and more noticeable on the crown, despite my use of minioxidil. I'm also receding on the front hairline and but i'm not as concerned about that.

I've researched and emailed a few hair transplant surgeons and they've all recommended 2500 grafts to fix the corwn and to bring my front hairline down.

My concern is that after the procedure I would continue to bald and would have to go back and get another procedure done a couple of years down the road. I would appreciate hearing from anyone that was at norwood stage 3 vertex who had a transplant, did you continue to bald and did you need another procedure? Am I better to hold off another year or 2 and let my hair bald more before I get the procedure?

I'm not going to take propecia as I've read up on it and even if there's a 1% chance of messing with me its a risk not worth taking, I'd rather go bald.

Any experiences from norwood 3 vertex guys would be appreciated.



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If you're not willing to take the risk with propecia, then there is not point in taking the risk with a hair transplant. You will continue to lose hair after the transplant and you might end up looking really goofy. Just my 2 cents.