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i've made some posts about the problems that i'm going thru since my hair transplant 2 yrs ago, and they are becoming too much for me to handle. my head is in constant pain, i'm absolutely miserable and what doesn't make sense is that it's just getting worse. the cat scan that i had showed nothing wrong inside of my head. the dr that did my surgery said he thought that scar tissue is causing my pain, so i asked the neurologist office if scar tissue was seen in my cat scan results and they said that they were unable to see any in the results.

i have a dermatologist appt in 3 weeks and another neurologist appt at the end of july, but at the rate im going, i dont even know if im going to make it to them.
i called the place that did my surgery today, and the guy i spoke with said he'd call the dr. that did my surgery and that he'd have him speak 1 on 1 with my neurologist and see if they can come up with something for me, but i don't know what could be done.

i just don't understand why after 2 yrs is it getting worse. all i know is how miserable i am and how much constant and chronic pain i'm always in, and how i can't handle it anymore, as i told them today when i called them. the back of my head always hurts, all day long. i made a post about skull changing shape, and some clown told me how stupid it was or something, no its not stupid, i have lumps in my head now that i know wasnt there before, and they hurt, go thru the pain im going thru everyday, then tell me how stupid it is...

i just dont know what to do anymore. all i know was this was the biggest mistake and regret of my life. i've fallen into such a deep depression over this. i hate myself for making myself do this damn surgery, and i'd give anything to go back and not do it. lately, ive been thinking about my life before this surgery, and ive been remembering my drive over there that morning and wishing i would've turned around and remembering sitting in the lobby before the surgery and i remember thinking that i should leave..but i didn't...and now i hate myself for it, and i wish every minute that i would've left, and now i've probably damaged myself forever, im miserable and in pain every minute of the day because of my stupid decision that day, that i can never take back.

i don't know what to do and how to handle this, but i can't handle this much longer, i can't even touch the back of my head without it hurting. i feel like a prisioner in my own body, and i just want to escape because i'm so miserable :(

i wish someone could help me :sobbing: :sobbing: :sobbing:


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Man, i apologize.....I did not read your post so obviously I do not find your misery that comedic.
Now that i have....I am sorry for your discomfort and pain......Good luck on whatever you do to try and remedy your situation.


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go to a pathologist to take a xanax to calm down,first of all. I think its your psychology which causes (or increases) the pain. And after that ask for an appointment with an appreciated doctor. If in fact the pain is because of the trasplant (which I hear about for first time in my life, so i doubt so), then with a lawsuit you will be rich. I am sure this is something you can fix at a good doctor.


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Scar tissue is very well possible. The removal of the strip might cause these problems. Perhaps your skin was very tight already and when they removed the strip it became even more tight. Stretching as result, a big scar and possibly this pain because the scar wants to stretch even more but cant. Of course that hurts. I dont think it has anything to do with your skull.


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thanks for the suggestions...i feel like my life is ruined because its been 2 yrs since the surgery and im in so much pain, i feel like the surgery was yesterday, i just dont understand why it keeps getting worse.

"Scar tissue is very well possible. The removal of the strip might cause these problems. Perhaps your skin was very tight already and when they removed the strip it became even more tight. Stretching as result, a big scar and possibly this pain because the scar wants to stretch even more but cant. Of course that hurts. I dont think it has anything to do with your skull."

if that is the problem, is there any possible way to fix this, or could this be something that continues to make me miserable like this forever? ive had this pain in the same spots in the back of my head basically ever since the surgery happened but it's just been getting worse lately it seems like, and it's to the point where i just can't handle it anymore


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take a pain reliever or something (anesthesia or so) in order not to feel the pain and then visit a well known doctor. I am sure everything is going to be fine. Your current psychology makes you feel more intense the pain.


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Maybe it is some kind of fungus or ingrown hair. This can cause a lot of pain and is very common when done by an unskilled surgeon.