
Not Normal For 19 Year Old ? Is It ?

Jim whim

New Member
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Hey there ! I really need some advice I have this sinking feeling that I am going bald at just 19 years old !!

There is baldness in my family all three of my mums brothers are fully bald, my dad had that weird fryer tuck thing going on ! My dads brother had a full head of hair until 60 and both my granddads passed away with a full head of hair ( they both died before the age of 65 )

My family are always telling me that I am not going bald , however they would just say that to protect my feelings ! They say I have a mature hairline - have no idea what that means

I did have a freak out back in May about this and I jumped on minoxidil ( panic decision )

Appreciate any help - it's so depressing thinking your hair is going .


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Senior Member
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Hair looks fine. Now move onto something else about yourself to worry about.:D


Senior Member
My Regimen
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No hair loss. Don't even understand where you possibly think hair loss is occurring.

Blond Jack

New Member
My Regimen
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It looks no hair loss whatsoever at the crown and a regular mature hairline at the front. It seems like you have nothing to worry about, but if it concerned you could just keep an eye on it. If it moves, then you'll know and you can do something. But it seriously looks great.