Not quite as good as I expected...


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Well, at least I maintained I guess... I was hoping I wouldn't have to hop on minoxidil, but we'll see if the next 3 months bring any significant regrowth. Maybe DHT isn't the cause of my male pattern baldness, I'm not a very hairy guy at all.

Let me explain: I got a haircut today, and although my hair still looks pretty good, it still looks exactly like it did last time I got it cut as far as I remember. No regrowth, no loss. My hairline is DEFINITELY more receded as well, meaning those little hairs I saw before? Just loss... this is kinda depressing, but I guess all I can do is wait and see if the next 3 months give me anything. If not, maybe it's just time to throw in the towel. Sorry for the depressing story guys, I'm just a little bummed out that my hair isn't as good as I thought it was when it was long.


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Yeah I have been feeling the same as well, but many, many, many report results after 9 months and so on, I know you already know this but sometimes it is just a good reminder that is what helps me.


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Well, I checked out my crown, and my crown is vastly improved like I had originally thought, and my hair does look alright dry right now, looks quite full by itself, but I'm my own harshest critic, and I know it's not what it used to be...

But i have heard people seeing most of their regrowth AFTER the 9 month period, such as Diddy, so here's hoping the next 3 or 4 months (I don't even know what month I'm on anymore, I lost track) will show at least moderate improvement.


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Ditto, I've been on finasteride for 10 months and certainly seen some improvement in areas that still had hair but was very much lacking growth in the areas that have been close to slick untill a couple of months ago when I started my home brew of vitamins,mineral,aminos,minoxidil,herbs in spray form then I apply a goopy lotion of vitamins,minerals,q10,lipoic acid at bed time which is a severe dose of anti-inflamatory agents basicly similar to proxiphen. Its helped out alot just in the last two months I've seen a noticable responce from vellus hair in bald areas, now I have fuzz I can push around and feel, not just see.


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now iam at one and half month on propecia it looks the shedding period has started. the worse is when i wash my hair,now i even scared of washing it. this makes me very stress full. so when can i expect the shedding period will be over.
any answers? :freaked2:


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phantom2x said:
now iam at one and half month on propecia it looks the shedding period has started. the worse is when i wash my hair,now i even scared of washing it. this makes me very stress full. so when can i expect the shedding period will be over.
any answers? :freaked2:
Do what I did and wash hair every other day and be delicate.Let shampoo sit in hair fo five minute.This makes up for the lost day of shampooing and my hair was fine.This keeps loss at a minimum.


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Part of this crappy process...

I think we've all come to the conclusion that this is just part of this crappy process to try and slow down hair loss.

I've hit the 9 1/2 month mark and my hairline is as bad as it's ever been (this is not me bitching, but just the truth). I've stuck it through with the Big 3 and I also use the lasercomb once a week. I hit a high point about 2 months ago, but it's all gone downhill.

The point of my rant is: We just have to stick through this. It's clear from others who have been on propecia longer that it's a major roller coaster ride. :cry:


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ditto here deaner. hopefully its just part of the ups and downs :-( try vive thickening shampoo, i tried it today and it helps a lot. i'm about two weeks from hitting month 6


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Deaner: you started around mid-May, since it was 2 or 3 weeks before I did in early June.


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Trent said:
ditto here deaner. hopefully its just part of the ups and downs :-( try vive thickening shampoo, i tried it today and it helps a lot. i'm about two weeks from hitting month 6

do you see any kind of positive affect,like slowing down hair shedding or etc.

Bone Daddy

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jesus deaner, you have more up and down posts than a piledriving machine.

we all have "omghairisshite" moments, but the difference is we don't make a thread after it happens.

give it a couple days and I know your hair will "rock" again.