Not sure what to think anymore ....stupid hairloss


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Well I've been feeling A-1 these past few days regarding hairloss. I've been using minoxidil on the front and temples of my hair and I can swear I already see results.
I made the mistake however of browsing through some older posts on the site looking for pics of other peoples probs.
I decided after I showered to examine the rest of my head for thinnig. With my hair sopping I combed it all back. Now it looks like I'm thinning at the crown.
I don't know what to think the top looks 100% fine when dry but like sh*t when wet. The front is looking better with minoxidil and the vitimins, when dry, but still like sh*t when wet.
Am I thinking to far into this?
Will the dermo be able to tell me what type of hairloss I am suffering from or destined for?

Lastly I've noticed that next to no hair falls out when I shower, is left on my pillow or in my hat...but if I grasp any part of my hair between my fingures when dry and pull lightly I get 2 or 3 hairs every time. is this normal?


Well. it is normal for a thinning head to look like sh*t when your hair is wet. Mine is like that, too. You just have to keep a few things in mind then like not going to the beach on a sunny day or not applying too much hair gel. Let´s be glad that we are at least normal looking when our heads are dry......

About the derm, yes, he mostly likely will be able to tell what kind of hair loss you are suffering from, but there are quite a few out there who know nothing about hair loss. You might as well post pictures at and people will tell you what kind of hair loss you are suffering from just by looking at them.

It is a good sign that you find no more hairs on your pillow or in the shower, but pulling your hair is not normal. Just stop it, man! I was like that too but I managed to overcome this. Good Luck, mate!