
Not Sure What To Use (dermaroller/stamp/pen)?


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Hey guys, last year I stopped Minoxidil, the past year was fine I didn't lose much hair and the minoxidil dry hair and itching stopped. About a month ago strong shedding came back. I want to try treatment again and I have 2 questions. I want to use a dermaroller/stamp/pen but not sure what's best for me.

I don't have short hair, It's slightly long, how do I go about using these dermarollers or dermapens, I only want to use it on areas where my hair is shedding but there's still long hair and I'm afraid it would get stuck in the needles or reduce the effectiveness of the treatment so which of the derma options work for me?

Second question is, should I go back on Minoxidil with the dermapen? I never liked Minoxidil and I always doubted it's effectiveness but maybe now with the derma pen it would work better? There seems to be nice reviews on this combination. Thanks for the answers guys.