Not to be stupid, but what exactly counts as a "shed"? Am I going through one?


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Hey guys, I've been on the Big 3 for 2 months now. Pretreatments I was losing crazy amounts of hair, probably around 50 alone in the shower and another 100 throughout the day. When I first started treatments it seemed to increase a little but died down. I think now my shed is over because I lose like 5 hairs in the shower (10 on a bad day) and if I run my hair through my head 5 times, maybe 1 or 2 hairs might fall out. I would say I probably lose like 50-60 hairs a day, which seems like a normal amount. Would you consider going through a "shed" when you're losing like 150+ hairs a day? Or if you run your hand through your head 5 times and get like 5+ hairs? Should you say I'm probably not shedding atm? I hope this makes sense what I'm asking.

Abyss vx

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I'm going through the same thing. I have long hair and have finally grown it out. I'm noticing I'd losing a decent amount but I thought it was normal. Well now I think I'm balding. go figure, maybe it's a "Shed", I hope so.


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I think it's just when you see more hair than usual falling out. Like meds for me, what they do is they slow down my hair loss, almost seemed like it completely stopped, I see no hair in the sink. then a shed in my case is when I start seeing hairs in the sink.


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I think what's happening to you is normal. The amount of hair strands that fall out on you seems just okay so there's nothing to worry for now, not unless in the future you are experiencing a great amount of strands that fall out each time.


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Thank you all for your replies, I can honestly say that I'm totally not shedding now. I lose like 10 hairs in the shower, can roughly towel dry my hair and not have any hair on the towel, and can run my hands through my hair and have no hair in my hand. I guess the Finasteride is working.