Notice shedding what can I do?


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Notice shedding a bit following accutane. What can I do? Thank you.

Let me edit this. I took accutane (65mg per day) a few years ago.I had cystic acne which leaves scars so, I picked taking meds knowing it would hurt my health. I couldn't finish the 6month and I stopped at 5. It's been years and I shed. A bit is normal but its noticeable. At the sides, I can see it thin, and at the back, its thinner. My face looks better with hair.

It's rough. I am shorter then average in height and in the pants. Bad skin was embarrassing. I have damage from use of proactive or oxy. Not hair issues. I did pickup and I dated a bit. I just wanted a normal life. I think most people would give up after everything but I can't do that.

What can I take? What slows the process?

Soviet Youth

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Can confirm, started losing hair at 16 after accutane - my father only started losing his hair in his 40's and my mother's father still has his hair albeit thin. That **** is ****ing toxic as cheronobyl - stop it while you still can.


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Get the **** off accutane, it's ****ing poison... seriously.

Thanks. Well, I had cystic acne. It started at puberty. It never ended. I tried everything. It failed. The use of proactive, oxy, and other damaging products hurt my skin. Then came adult acne. Cystic acne started lasting weeks. It was so embarrassing. If it did not stop there. I would get rid of a break out and then, it would start again. I have a scar. My pores are large. I did a workout, I had a nutritionist, and I still got acne. I finally told my dermatologist that I was going to order accutane online. He decided to prescribe me 65mg daily. Acne went outside a few odd pimples since using it. I only did 5months. It's been a few years. I still get shedding. I receed like Bradley Cooper only I don't look like him.

Repairing the damage of accutane is hard.

- - - Updated - - -

Can confirm, started losing hair at 16 after accutane - my father only started losing his hair in his 40's and my mother's father still has his hair albeit thin. That **** is ****ing toxic as cheronobyl - stop it while you still can.

When I noticed it affecting my hair, I stopped but I think it cannot be fixed. I pray, meditate, and think positive but, its not easy.

Any items I can try to slow the process?


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What will that do? My friend noticed some hairloss. He is 35. He took something and said it can't stop dead hair follicles falling out but it helps keep what he still has. I was embarrassed to ask what he took.


Established Member
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What will that do? My friend noticed some hairloss. He is 35. He took something and said it can't stop dead hair follicles falling out but it helps keep what he still has. I was embarrassed to ask what he took.

fix your acne (and you can stop taking accutane).