Nourkrin for men

Bald Dave

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I have just purchased 60 tablets (1 months supply) of Nourkrin for men. It says that you should take 2 tablets a day for 6 months before you expect any results! Its rather expensive though as it cost me £50 for 1 months supply but I am willing to try anything!

Has anybody ever used this and if so how long until you should expect to see results?


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The main ingredient of Nourkin is shark cartilage, which Cheryl Baker told us stopped her hair thinning. Some health food shops sell shark cartilage tablets for about £10.00. They added lots of ordinary vitamins and herbal stuff to make it look good, but really it is just fish cartilage. Sharks don't have bones, apparently. It might do some good, but if you are taking the "big three" anyway, you can't tell. Hope this helps. Boru

Hans Gruber

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i read in a pretty reputable british newspaper that nourkin is meant to help ,they say a lot but to what real degree i do not know.out of all the things other than the big 3 this and copper peptides are the only things i would consider.oh and msm :hairy:

Hans Gruber

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Boru said:
The main ingredient of Nourkin is shark cartilage, which Cheryl Baker told us stopped her hair thinning. Some health food shops sell shark cartilage tablets for about £10.00. They added lots of ordinary vitamins and herbal stuff to make it look good, but really it is just fish cartilage. Sharks don't have bones, apparently. It might do some good, but if you are taking the "big three" anyway, you can't tell. Hope this helps. Boru

i never knew ol cheryl was losing her hair? was this in her bucks fizz days or her record breaker days? or even her eggs n baker days? sh*t why do i know about any of that?! :hairy:


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Bald dave, if you want to do the rest of the 5 month course like I am. DO NOT pay £50 for another month! Boots online are doing it half-price (probably the price it's meant to be however!)

I am going to continue the course even though its had quite a lot of negative feedack. I'll be posting a report on the progress around September.


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i use it dave. it did used to be £50 everywhere but you can get it for £25 in boots now. im assuming thats nationwide.


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back to £50 again when i looked in boots today. in two minds whether to carry on as thats a pretty hefty wedge for some tablets. has anyone seen it cheaper?