Now that Organ/Tsuji failed, Stemson is our only horse to bet


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I'm leaving this recent YT interview of Dr Alexey Terskikh here and let you draw your own conclusion on how things are looking for them (and us :/).

Alexey Terskikh - Oct 2020 interview

But beware that Terskikh is using very similar lingo ("there are still problems, but they are solvable, still 3-4 years before we can deploy it in humans") that Tsuji used circa 2016 so that interview left me with a bad deja vu feeling.

Every other hair cloning researcher that said they were facing "solvable problems" failed miserably to actually solve them. Hope with Stemson will be different but I know the odds are heavily stacked against them (and us :/)


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Dude don't need to get all philosophical about life. Yes I do believe chances are very high that the pre clinical trials announced by Organ in 2018 failed badly hence there are no news from the company since them and Tsuji jumped ship, but it's just my opinion and it's ok if you don't agree with it.

Now let's stop beating a dead home and start talking about Stemson


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What's your purpose of coming here? A hair transplant shill or Stemson financing management to attract investors? Don't tell me you are a common baldy like us but opened a new account, spent much time opening two posts and debating for pages and pages just for the failure of Tsuji. This is not what a common baldy expressing his opinion act like.


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I just opened a new account because I lost the password of my previous one a long time ago, and before the recent forum software update the create a new account feature was not working.

I browse regularly hairlosstalk since at least 2016. Before that my main go to forum was thebaldtruth, before it was hairlosshelp and hairsite,

I'm just some dude that had his hopes up for Tsuji that got frustrated after he went exactly the route of the many other companies from the last two decades that promised to deliver HC and failed. Hopefully with Stemson it will be different.


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The site is not down. Just the "News" section is under maintenace, other parts of the site is normal.
Sure, it's "just" the front page of the site that is down, which makes it look very unprofessional and careless in attitude.

Add that that there hasn't been any news from the company since they announced they would start pre clinical trials 2 years ago, and that Tsuji jumped ship this year, it looks more and more that Organ is becoming a zombie company,

But this thread was supposed to be more about Stemson, there is already another big one about Tsuji


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Sure, it's "just" the front page of the site that is down, which makes it look very unprofessional and careless in attitude.

Add that that there hasn't been any news from the company since they announced they would start pre clinical trials 2 years ago, and that Tsuji jumped ship this year, it looks more and more that Organ is becoming a zombie company,

But this thread was supposed to be more about Stemson, there is already another big one about Tsuji
Get lost noob.

Mr White

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Wtf are people talking about "Tsuji failed lolz" as if there is any evidence of that at all.


I couldn't care less about Tsuji, he can stick his treatment up his a**. Even if it worked, I wouldn't be able to afford it.

I have no idea if his research is legit or not but t wouldn't be the first time that a big pharma company spreads fake news to raise stock value.


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I agree with werefcked. IMO we have run out of reasons to keep faith in Tsuji.

This is the same failure point for all the past hair multiplication efforts in the last 20 years.


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Well, they are trying and they are relatively well funded so this is good. Odds are against them, but let's hope and pray they will be the ones.

Let's use this thread to post all relevant news about them and keep updated since as of know they are our only hope.


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good point, thanks:) but i am wondering how they will get dht resistant hair? they are using blood cells, am i right?
don't know a lot about their tech, maybe someone more versed about it could chime in.

What I do know is that they is induced pluripotent stem cells - iPSC to create new hair. Their main idea is to multiplicity those cells and THEN make them differentiate into dermal papilla cells -- instead of trying to multiply dermal papilla cells directly, which is much harder (or impossible with our current technology - that's what Tsuji was trying to do I believe) according to Terskikh.


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See we're back to 2016 crybaby circlejerk posting.

There is literally nothing that suggests failure here. Just spergs sperging over nothing.

Are you waiting for the Tsuji operation to openly announce that they failed?

The concrete evidence is this: They reached the same failure point of every other competitor and stopped moving. The head researcher has left. Trials aren't proceeding. No other signs of life. The website went down and still isn't back up.


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Are you waiting for the Tsuji operation to openly announce that they failed?

The concrete evidence is this: They reached the same failure point of every other competitor and stopped moving. The head researcher has left. Trials aren't proceeding. No other signs of life. The website went down and still isn't back up.
True, not to mention the icing on the cake: a venture partner of Organ just announced they are writing off their whole investment in the company because it went out of business.

“Organ Technologies (Minato-ku, Tokyo), a hair regrowth venture, suspended its business, and the entire amount of 100 million yen invested was recorded as an extraordinary loss as a loss on valuation of investment securities.”


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True, not to mention the icing on the cake: a venture partner of Organ just announced they are writing off their whole investment in the company because it went out of business.

“Organ Technologies (Minato-ku, Tokyo), a hair regrowth venture, suspended its business, and the entire amount of 100 million yen invested was recorded as an extraordinary loss as a loss on valuation of investment securities.”

The translation is correct, I checked.


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Tsuji is now retired, they no longer do hair cloning
Why are you saying that? Did you find any news related to Riken?

And by the way, how did you find that news about Organ suspending their business, it was all written in japanese and not googlable?


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the problem with Tsuji is that they are silent and don't reply to messages unlike tissuse
Well Tsuji et al were very responsive some years ago before everything went south.

Give enough time and Tissuse will stop responding too if their promises fail to materialise too


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That's not what it says. It says the company suspended business and because they've got no return in 4 years on their investment, they're not investing in it further and the investment must be written down as a massive loss.

As per the generally accepted accounting standards (and I would certainly know) you only impair or write off an investment when there is no chance for ever getting a return. You do not write off an investment just because you stop investing in it. It's over.


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I am wondering what will be the cost of stemson th hair cloning...more than Tsuji?
Man don't bother with that number Tsuji supposedly threw as they never even had the prototype of a product. It was a totally made up figure.

The most important thing is building a tech that works, this is the biggest and really the only problem. Once we get there the price will take care of itself and go down as their operation scales things up.
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true, as long as we get anywhere at the present time there is nothing on the horizon, does stemson have technology ready for human trials? I read on another forum that they want to start human trials next year

So Dr. Terskikh mentioned in his last interview (Alexey Terskikh - Oct 2020 interview) that it will take "at least 3-4 years to deploy to the clinic".

Now what "deploying to the clinic" means is up for debate: is it clinical trials or commercialisation? Someone could ask him for clarification (maybe he was vague deliberately because even he doesn't know).


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Dr. Terskikh said in that interview that there are still two technical problems to be solved regarding to cell differentiation AND aggregation, AND that large animals studies will need to be done.

That is a lot of stuff todo so no, in my opinion they won't be ready to start clinical trials next year.