Nu Skin anti-aging?


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This big company called Nu Skin is selling a galvanic device that uses electrical charges to push a charged gell into the skin.

They claim they discovered an enzyme called arNOX in skin cells that produces free radicals in increasing quantity as you age, aging you even if you avoid the sun. They have a study they did with Stanford.

They also invented a chemical that blocks the enzyme so it stops making the free radicals. They reported a graph of free radical activity before and after. After, the free radical activity is at 0%. Suspiciously low. They think this chemical will just about lock in your age.

They also claim they found a receptor, which when activated, tells your skin to make more collagen. They invented a chemical which activates the receptor. You put it on your skin, and it is supposed to make you grow more collegen.

They do not market online. They have ads online, but only sell the products through mult-level marketing, face to face, with demos. I was recruited. The other sales agents acted like the right side of my face looked a lot better after one treatment, but I did not see any difference. I'm not going to sell any until I know it works. I don't want to be a shill. But I bet there are many many 50 year old women who would buy this in a heart beat, and at $75 commission each that could be a lot of money fast.

I suspect they may have found some receptors and enzymes, and may have something that is as effective for those as topical saw palmetto or spironolactone are for hair loss. But I think the technology is over hyped. I could be wrong though. If it is good, I'd love to lock in my age. But the ageLOCK is $60 per month, the galvanic spa is $350 one time, and the collagen receptor gel is $128 per month.
I'd pass on the collagen until age 45, but get on the ageLOCK right away, but I just don't know if I trust them.

What do you guys think? There are many mirror sites. Still can't find independent references. With multi-level marketting, I would not be surprised if many sales agents have their own sites with testimonials.


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One of their sales reps contacted me to ask if I'm getting on board. I told her it failed to clean out my pores, so I don't think it works. She said it can't do everything in once swoop. It is just like going to the gym. You need 3 months to see a full change. I asked if there is a money back guarantee. She said 60 days. I told her I might try it for 50 days and if I see any difference between one side of the face and the other, I'll risk going past 60 and then market it if I get good results. She told me I might not see a difference by 60 days, and that I really should give it the full 90 days to know for sure.

OK, collagen stimulation: probably has best effects on old people, not 29 year olds. Costs $128.

AgeLOCK: if it does what it says, it locks in your age. I doubt I'd see a difference in my age in 60 days.

Deep cleaning: done twice a week. Possibly it needs more time to see a cleaning, but my pores were no different at all after using it once. I got some big pores, with a lot of gunk in them. No difference after one cleaning. I'd think in 3 days they'd fill back up even if it did clean them once. I could be wrong.

Other claims: they say it can cure rosacea and regrow hair on the head, probably from the anti-free radical effects of ageLOCK. OK, I'd like to see studies with hair counts or hair weights, since they made that claim.


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There's a 60 day money back guarantee but they're pushing for you to go for 90 days treatment?
sounds like a scam to me.


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Nu Skin

They claim it should cure many skin conditions just because of the deep clean (BS).
It did not come close to unclogging my nose pores at all. Yet the sales people acted like they saw a huge difference.

The collagen stimulator is the only treatment with potential to show a difference within months. They said in part of their ad that the before and after pics are atypical. And you need 90 days to see the results.

The ageLOCK sounds great, but the problem is you'd have to use it on one side of your face for 5 years to see a difference, unless you are aging very fast.

Stanford did discover the enzymes that cause the aging problems. But this company won't tell anyone what their cure is, and the effecacy of their cure is 100% according to graphs, which I find dubious since even dutasteride does not inhibit 5 alpha reductase more than 93%.

Sounds to me like a scam.


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My laser tech said she sold 9 already, in about 2 weeks, and that she got a pay check for $450 from the company. She says she saw a difference in collagen treatment the first day.

Funny how at the demo she said my one side of my face looked much better than the other side, but I did not see a difference. Then when I said there was no difference, she said it is because my skin is smooth anyway.

When I talked about my hair loss, she said it can cure hair loss. She also said it cures acne, by cleaning the skin really well.

That is what she tells her customers. I don't know if she actually sold 9, or if she just said that because she hopes I'll sell some and she will get credit since she would be above me in the pyramid.

She said the company does not do studies on people. It just gets its results from pictures that people email in.

I just can't sell something if I don't know if it is a legit product. The company tells its sales agents that it will never sell the products online; the customers will always have to go through their sales agent so the sales agent gets a cut. I do not believe that at all, if they plan to be around long term.


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well now they have a display in all the laser rooms. Anyone who trusts the laser people will trust the displays they see, or at least to an extent. I sure hope it is not a rip off, because I bet it will sell.