Number Of Grafts Required To Fill These Areas...


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Hey Guys,

First time poster, long time follower.

27 - first noticed hair loss around 24.

I just wanted some opinions with respect to the appropriate amount of grafts to give the desired effect.

My hair is of fine texture and has always been thin around the temporal area. Not currently suffering with any diffuse loss within the crown region.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Who do you guys think would be the best option for such a procedure - I live in Vancouver so have H + W on my doorstep!

Do you think 700\800 grafts would suffice for the denoted areas?



Established Member
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My hairline is exactly the same as yours and have been recommended 600 grafts by 2 different doctors.


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for something that small I would go that route.

Why so? as long as your not fussed about the extra expense you might spend in the long run, its a great idea to perfect the hairline. You just need a surgeon who can future plan and wont go for the dense pack for the sake of ''it will look good now'' mindset. The benefit is, any future surgeries will have a base hairline to build from, rather than trying to create a hairline you never had.


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My hair loss hasn't changed too much over these past 3 years, my hair doesn't seem to grow as thick or long on top and I've receeded around the temporal zones - I was going to wait a year and see where it's at.

Hypothetically if it remains the same what would be a price estimate for the estimated number of grafts? I know that's subject to the surgeon you opt for but I was just looking for a ball park figure?

Any recommendations who would excel with the aforementioned?



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Honestly I would be hesitant of having such a procedure, it's so small, but can make a huge difference in a bad or good way.

What happens when you yield a low density appearance that doesn't match your current hair, it will end up looking even worse. Having a cob-web appearance on the corners while your native hair is very thick.

It's so small, and marginal, I just don't see it worth going through. Wait till your temples become pronounced to the point where you can receive a cosmetic benefit from surgery.

There is little benefit, but high risk to the situation you are in.

I would not take the risk if I was in your situation.


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You probably don't want to hear this but I would not have it done if I was in your shoes. It is too small compared to the risk you take in getting a bad outcome.