Nut pain.....and why I might be done fighting the battle???


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Well, 2 weeks ago I went to my family doctor and talked to him about my hairloss and he said why don't you try Propecia??? Give it a month and see if you can tolerate it...........sure. Now I've been totally aganist taking this drug, but was kinda in the dumps that day so I said sure give it to me. Well two weeks later man I got some testicle pain occurring mainly in my left nut. What the f***!!! I'm gonna stick with it for a month and if it continues I'm off the sh*t. I know this is a side effect, but anything thats causing pain in my most sacred area can't be good for business.

I have been using spironolactone with some success, but then the irritation started that even T-gel or nizoral can combat. nizoral makes my hair look like sh*t. I can't use Cu peptides either as I believe that I'm allergic to them. It does not matter if it's American Crew, folligen, or Tricomin it bothers my scalp makes it itch and I have crazy sheds. Revivogen is a pain in the *** as it smells, is expenisive , and makes my hair look like sh*t. If I put that sh*t on at night I am not going out. I hate that!!!!! Used minoxidil with no success accept irritation! Man it honestly occurred to me yesterday that I'm screwed. I hope the propecia works out.

I'm gonna try to stick with spironolactone also, but man this shits been out for 15 years. If spironolactone is so damn effective why is there only one guy who sells the sh*t topically (Dr. Lee)?? Man you think there would be tons of others trying to make a buck out of it.

So........ if propecia does not work out I think I'm gonna try Fluridil and if that does not work I'm done with this hairloss sh*t!!!


Give it time, I had Nutacheâ„¢ in my left conker too, didn't last more than a couple of weeks, was quite mild too, not a big problem for me.

How long did you try the minoxidil for?

There was a post here about why no one else makes spironolactone, I can't remember the details but something to do with Patents/Generic rights etc and if someone bothers to make/sell this stuff they won't make much in the way of money (?)



New Member
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hey dude

i had this slight pain too in teh first couple of weeks...i take my propecia in the morning before work and nuts would hurt around 10am...

its pretty much gone now...i have taken 35 pills of propecia so far....


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hey dude

i had this slight pain too in teh first couple of weeks...i take my propecia in the morning before work and nuts would hurt around 10am...

its pretty much gone now...i have taken 35 pills of propecia so far....

Bone Daddy

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lol, so what's the pain like?

Is it a like a tingling in the jollies.. or like when you snag your love-rock on a chair from getting up too fast?

Great another possible side to combat.. *grumbles*


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Hey, wasn't it you that had a thread titled "krazy regrowth on spironolactone".


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good luck. I hope the finasteride works out for you.
Sounds like the pain in your yam bag should go away soon.



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for me the pain is liek the pain when a girl is suckin on your nuts and sucks lil bit hard or


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lateerection, I would generally be careful with pain in the testicles. It could be coincidence that they occur while you take finasteride. If it doesn't stop - see your Doctor.


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Yeah the pain is not like I just got kicked in the balls. Maybe like someone is sucking on my nuts. This pain did not start until I started using propecia so I'm not that worried about it. I guess I'll continue through the month and see if it goes away. If not I'll go back to the doctor.
I was having some positives on spironolactone, but now I have encountered some irritation. It just seems that everything I was seeing has disappeared. Sucks ***!!!!! I'm gonna stop being so critical.


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dude what do you think about using spironolactone as a single agent, maybe with nizoral????
what norwood are you anyways?


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Like I said I have been using spironolactone, but have encountered some irritation so I'm taking a break from it. I'll get back on the spironolactone soon, but I figured I might as well try the finasteride.


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so you're taking finasteride along with using spironolactone? Someone on here made a single post about how it's not a good idea to combine topical spironolactone and finasteride in a regimen...

now i'm worried since I just started using spironolactone as of last night. Is spironolactone supposed to be applied twice daily? Morning/night?


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Why would it be a bad idea to use spironolactone with propecia? Used together would be a very potent regimen! Start with the spironolactone application once per day, which is sufficient. However, if you wanted you could bump up to twice per day.
spironolactone and Cu peptides would be a good regimen to start with. Like I said though I believe I may be allergic to the Cu peptides, but you should definitely try them.


I'm not exactly sure why it would be bad idea to use spironolactone with finasteride but I have a theory. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't spironolactone actually convert testosterone into estrogen, and if you are on finasteride, you are blocking a ton of DHT(which keeps estrogen in check). So if spironolactone and fina are used together, i guess you have a greater chance of getting man boobs.


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Yes this would be correct, however spironolactone is metabolized only in the dermal layers of the scalp and does not affect other parts of the body. Maybe I'm not following you, but finasteride prevents testosterone from being converted to DHT and spironolactone blocks the androgen receptor sites and also converts testosterone to estrogen, which helps protect the hair follicle. I don't think there would be any chance of them additively acting together to create stronger side effects. At least they should not if spironolactone is metabolized only in the skin.