NW2 Hairline reconstruction


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has anyone had this done?? i caught my hairloss pretty early, rogaine has helped me regain alot in my vertex and frontal region(even some slight re-growth in the temples) and has been holding onto it, im not on propecia due to a pre existing gyno problem that i had surgery on, i dont want it coming back, might start on propecia in a few months....
but id love to restore my hairline, pull it down a few mm, im only 24 but think since ive stopped the loss would it be advisable to get my hairline ive always dreamed of????


Experienced Member
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Look at it this way.

Treatments don't last forever. You started losing your hair, you're going to probably continue. If you aren't on finasteride, male pattern baldness is progressing as we speak.

You can restore that hairline. But you will probably keep losing and have to play catch up eventually, or you'll have a little hairline hair and a scar in the back of your head.


Senior Member
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'Dream hairline' is not a phrase that I like to hear about when hair transplant's are concerned. No matter what your current situation is being conservative is always avisable. (although NW2 does sound like you're not being too unrealistic).


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is there any cases of people getting a hair transplant in pursuit of a "dream hairline" or is it an unealistic goal for me to have??

im going to go back on propecia soon, i was on it for a while but had to go off it due to my gyno surgery, just to ensure it didnt effect my healing.... so ill see how it goes, im quite a good reactor to the meds from when when ive previously used propecia and rogaine has worked great with me! so this is prob my best option for going someway to restore my "dream hairline"