Objective Assessment of Toppik and Dermatch


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Here is a real assessment of both Toppik and Dermatch.

I tried to fill in the new growth for my recent frontal hairline transplant. I have 2 1/2 months of growth and about an inch and half downwards of transplanted frontal hairline. So the hair in the front is thin as if I am balding - according to the product literature this is what its good for - areas that are thin.

If you want to see what my hair looks like do a search on Lucky UK on this board - he and I both share the same type of hair loss and hairline and we both went to the same doctor - but I am only in my 3rd month of growth - he done with his growth.

*** Toppik ***
It made the thin frontal area look like I have powder on it. It didn't thicken the hair, in fact it looked totally ridiculous. From 6 feet away it looked like powder - from 1 foot away it looked like powder. From 10 feet away maybe you could get away with it in a photo.

I tried it on top of my head where my hair is thicker. It made my hair look matted, dry, powdery, and poofy. In short - it looked horrible. I looked like a powder head. And yes i did use the spray pump. I really had to laugh at myself. Healthy hair is supposed to have a slight shine to it and be manageable - not a poof of powder.

The only place where I can see someone using it is on a balding crown where people aren't going to see it that much anyway.

*** Dermatch ***
This is a powdery makeup - nothing more. I tried applying it thick and I also applied it thin at the frontal hairline. It was a little more subtle than the Topikk but all it does is color your skin. It looked like I had colored skin - it looked once again - ridiculous.

This product might be a tad better than Toppik because it's a little more subtle and doesn't mat your hair as much - but still really doesn't do what the company claims it does

The photographs you see in the product literature is most likely touched up to look better than the real results. This is common. I know someone who does this sort of work. Companies hire graphic designers to do this.

*** The Run Down ***
The only way I can see someone benefiting from these products is if they already have fairly thick hair and they want to make it look like they have really thick hair - and your hair has to be fairly long to begin with - at least 4 inches. In my opinion, these aren't products for balding people they are products for NSYNC.

I hate to say it but the folks on here that are benefiting from these products are either fooling themselves (something balding men often do - sadly and regrettably) or they already have decent hair and are just making it look a bit thicker.

That's the real deal.


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I started using Toppik for my thinning hair and it has worked wonders. I do not have any bald spots but it is noticibly thinner. Toppik makes it look like I have no thinning at all. However, I do think you need to have a decent amount of hair to begin with. It won't work for people who are bald.

Here is what my hair looks like without toppik for an example of someone for whom this product works:

There are others here that had success with these products as well. Here is a youtube video of someone applying it:

If you have this type of hairloss, then it will work great for you. If your hairloss is more severe, then it will unfortunately look bad. It's worth a shot if you are thinking about it. I was shocked how well it worked for me.


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I agree with PME, you need a decent amount of hairs in order to have good results with these products. And the whole thing (i mean the application - transformation) is something that you should gradually master it. You must try to keep Toppik-like products only on your hair and not in the scalp, and as for the scalp you can use dry dermatch to slighty shadow it (and not paint it!). Personally I use dermatch and Hair so Real or HairRebirth (which are much thinner powder than Toppik and very cheap). I agree that Toppik gives a powder look, and its also very expensive. But, anyway, you have to master the whole application procedure...its like art...(!). I believe that these products help everybody. For some people work wonders and for others just help a little...but they do help..


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...and because I want to be fair..I should say that personally I have decent hair in the whole head..i am just a diffuse thinner and these products make the trick..but I think everybody can use them..just have lower expectations..


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Hardly a clear view. I bet it looks sh*t in real life like he's dunked his head in a bucket of toner powder. He's asking too much, trying to have a full looking head of hair. Only try for a small improvement like 5-10% density increase.


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Ok let me modify my comments on Dermatch a little. I received a dark brown disk today and tried that. It looked a lo better. Matching your color seems to matter a lot. It still doesn't totally match my hair color because my hair somewhere between black and brown. But its still clear to me that you need to have a decent amount of hair where you apply it. But Dermatch seems to work much better than Toppik. I still haven't been able to apply Toppik without it looking powdery and fuzzy.

Vinton Harper

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Is it possible you are using too much Toppik?
I have never had a problem with it looking "powdery".


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I don't actually use Toppik - I just experimented with it. But yes it is possible that I put too much on. I also tried putting a very small amount on and got better results. I also tried putting a medium amount on. The best results I got was from putting on an extremely small amount in one or two places. Sort of a touch up. In my opinion so far - and I'm not done experimenting yet - the more hair you have the better this stuff works. I'm a norwood3. So if you have a great head of hair but you want to have a Brad Pitt head of hair this stuff is perfect. It also seems like it would be decent in a dark dance club or bar.

This is probably used by newscasters and TV personalities a lot.

Snakes oils have been sold for a long time by people trying to take advantage of those with thinning hair. In light of this, I think every product should be judged critically.


get the spray applicator for toppik. this makes it appear less powdery because now you won't be spraying it on top of your hairs. you'll be spraying it precisely in areas where you want to cover scalp. this also results in you losing substantially less toppik and getting better results, saving you money. google toppik spray applicator for a site on where you can buy it.


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Anybody with male pattern baldness should at least test Dermmatch.
Of course you still need a decent amount of hair, but it's great if you are thinning, it makes you go from "thinning" to "full head of hair"


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I agree with the last post, I dont use it as described, I only use it dry and comb it through, makes your existing hair seem much fuller and it totally unnoticeable esp if you use a decent styling product after it.