OC update


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Have been on minoxidil for 10+ years, on RU for 3-4 years, Eucapil on and off and that's it.

I added OC 5 months ago. I used to have a shed EVERY SINGLE summer, and a very long shed. After adding OC itch was gone, and shedding is extremely minimal (in the shower is see 2-3 hairs on my hands while I used to see 10, and when I shed I used to see maybe 50-60). I haven't had a shed since I added this back in April.

So for so good but no obvious regrowth. I am surprised how people on this forum have very little patience though. There was a lot of excitement for this, but just because it did not regrew hairs in 3 months everyone gave up (I Understand it is not cheap, but its impact is more obvious than RU i think).

I did not mention this before because wanted to wait for the 5 months mark. If I ever shed massively again I will let you know but I think we need more experimenters on this, once person won't be enough statistically speaking.

i posted a similar thing on HLH.

btw I dermaroll half of the time before OC.



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Hard for me to understand. Here is a drug that has shown safety in humans, have stopped scalp itching, and for me and a couple of others (very very few are using it so very hard to tell) has stopped shedding. Although another user said shedding resumed in 4 months, for me, I have been on the longest period of no-shed, knock on wood.

still, a post about potatoe juice or semen cream would get more interest and replies..

go figure


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You guys doing experimentals, during the first year of any major treatment you should expect a few disastrous sheds, as the hair starts to synchronize. I don't understand why everyone gives up when they start shedding?


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Have been on minoxidil for 10+ years, on RU for 3-4 years, Eucapil on and off and that's it.

I added OC 5 months ago. I used to have a shed EVERY SINGLE summer, and a very long shed. After adding OC itch was gone, and shedding is extremely minimal (in the shower is see 2-3 hairs on my hands while I used to see 10, and when I shed I used to see maybe 50-60). I haven't had a shed since I added this back in April.

So for so good but no obvious regrowth. I am surprised how people on this forum have very little patience though. There was a lot of excitement for this, but just because it did not regrew hairs in 3 months everyone gave up (I Understand it is not cheap, but its impact is more obvious than RU i think).

I did not mention this before because wanted to wait for the 5 months mark. If I ever shed massively again I will let you know but I think we need more experimenters on this, once person won't be enough statistically speaking.

i posted a similar thing on HLH.

btw I dermaroll half of the time before OC.


What does OC stand for and what does it do? Side effects?


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SIX MONTHS on OC update

Last shedding I had was in October 2012, before that that was in May-ish 2012, before that for the last 10 years my shed have taken place in the spring and autumn.

So how come May-October amounted to not only zero shedding this time, but very little daily shedding too? knocking on wood....hope it continues

Gentlmen the only thing I added to my regimen was OC.

I have said it many times, but I just can't believe how people still disregard this drug. There is a whole section on HairLossTalk.com people bitching about shedding, shedding is a b**ch.
I won't know whether this is equivalent to maintaining until few months from now. I took detailed pictures only recently.



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I think Kane is the only one who produces it, as far as I know. We asked for this on the other forum (help).
Just get the one that is OC-ethanol, that is can be dissolved in ethanol.


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Many have asked me to update on OC. I have been taking it since around February, first the non-salted version (the one that had problems dissolving) and then the salted version. Now the PGD2 channel has some solid papers supporting it (albeit not many). Does it work? Most people that have taken OC have cleary seen a reduce in shedding. Name me another topical or drug that has this consistent effect across people. Not many. It IS doing something.

As for my experience, given that I am one of the few that sticked to it, I have NOT SHED for more than a full year now. I typically expect shedding in spring and autumn, it happeneded EVERY single year for the last TEN years or more, and now for the first time: SHEDDING and ITCHING STOPPED. Daily shedding (not to be confused with the seasonal shedding) went from at least 20-30 hairs on my hand when I put gel, to a ridiculously low number like 0, 1, or 2. Hair feels stuck deep in the scalp.

I am not the only one who is reporting this, several others have reported that. I will look for their posts and put the links below.

To further the science, I decided to stop OC for a while, I am going to see if my daily shedding increase. But I would like others on the forum to join me experimenting with scientifically sound channels such as PGD2 and Dkk1.

AM I REGROWING hair? NO. This is a disappointment, but I will be very statisfied if I can least maintain. So the next question: How does my hair compare with a year ago. The honest answer is somewhat worse. This is likely because I dropped RU at some point thinking I can go only with OC. It is also likely because my hair loss is aggressive and some OC alone won't be enough.


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Arent you DR'ing also? stupid question but how long did it take for you to notice the shedding stopped and did you notice it caused a shed at 1st like most treatments.


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no I never DRed like the guys do, but I often used a 0.7mm DR to lightly roll over my heard before application of OC or RU. That is I used it as an absorption enhancer not more.

The itching stopped within a day or 2, the shedding reduced within a week but more importantly the shed seasons are a thing of the past.

I have been staying at a hotel this weekend and you know how they have these white towels (mine at home are dark, hard to see hairs on them). Usually I get depressed when I use these once I see 30+ hairs on the towel. I SWEAR I runned my hair for 3 minutes I saw ONE SINGLE hair.