Octa Sabal Plus Anyone Wanna Try Doing This With Me?


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Why is no one talking about this? It proved to grow hair in multiple studies they did and they did before and after pictures of people on the pills for a few months and it regrew a bunch of hair and they all looked better.

Why is no one else doing this? Gave a 40% increase in hair. Can we just order a bunch of the raw ingredients and extracts and try it together and see if it works? I’m going to try it but i want to try it with other people to see if we can tweak the formula and make it work together and figure out what to do.

Is anyone else in on this with me? I’d be willing to chat outside of site and try it with you and we can take it together and mess around with the formula and stuff



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can someone try this already lol


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Where can you get the sh*t?


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It's pumpkin seed oil. It's been tried.


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It’s definitely not just pumpkin oil. There are like 7 extracts in this. Google “octa sabal ingredients”, there should be a list with percentages. There are also sites which sell the real stuff but not sure if they’re legit or not. You could buy the ingredients separately and mix it yourself. It’s at least worth a shot.


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Update on trying octa Sabal plus

I bought a few of the extracts found in it and some of the raw ingredients going to try switching around and using extracts.

I take everything in one seperate capsule so about 10 different capsules plus i am adding other stuff good for hair on top of whats in octa Sabal plus.

I am also using: saw palmetto, stinging nettle, fenugreek, rosemary, and a topical of pumpkin seed oil, rosemary oil, and peppermint oil. Going to add another topical using tee tree oil because its supposed to be good for seb derm.

On top of this i use tumeric, ginger, ashwagandha, and a couple other herbs not just for hair but just overall health and skin and stuff.