Off Topic: A Story Told in Smileys.


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I'm not exactly sure why I did this. I was just looking at all the smilies trying to see how they could fit together, and came up with this. So gather 'round, while I tell you a story.

Once upon a time
:| there was a yellow guy.
:) He was a happy guy in most regards
:/ except for one
:cry: He had nobody to love
:money: Now he wasn’t the richest guy, or the coolest :freak:
:innocent: but he was a good guy and was confident :king: that he could attract a beautiful girl.

One Saturday night
8) The yellow guy set out to do just that.
He ventured downtown looking for a hotspot.

He passed by a Goth club :bat:
:badmood: but everyone there seemed to be in a bad mood so he moved on.

He passed a Rave club :alien:
:uglylol: but everyone there seemed to be on drugs so he kept on walking.

He then came to a bar :pint:
:agree: and everyone in there seemed to be having a good time, so he thought,
:D "This looks like my kind of place!"

:beer: He hopped up to the bar and ordered a beer
:unsure: and glanced over to the other side of the bar.
:woot: That’s when he saw her:
A hot red girl with a look that could kill :pissed:
:ididit: There was just something about her that he found irresistible.
He felt he could see right through her hard exterior :mad2:
to the angel underneath. :lily:
:inlove: It was love at first sight. "Thats the girl of my dreams," he said.

He took a spot next to her at the bar
:whaasup: and asked her what her name was.
She told him to take a hike. :boid:
:shifty: But he thought she was just playing hard to get,
So he asked if he could take her out to coffee. :coffee:
She would not have it. :boom:
She went over to her group of friends :grouphug:
and when he went up to them, one of her friends :yelling: got up in his face, tellin him to get lost
:2gunsfiring_v1: :drool: The yellow guy did not like the hot red girl's friend.
But what could he do?
:sulkoff: Brokenhearted, he went back to the other end of the bar
and ordered another drink. :martini:

The Bartender :x, seeing the change in mood, asked the yellow guy what was wrong.
:no: So the yellow guy told him about how the hot red girl had rejected him :eek:nfire:
The Bartender said "You seem like an alright guy, so I'm gonna help you out." :winky:
:nofear::quote: The Bartender then told the yellow guy how to pick up the hot red girl.

:sneaky: Filled with renewed confidence, he approached the girl
and before she could say anything :pissed: , he said
:) "There’s a Tool concert next Friday. Do you want to go?"
Finally he was speaking her language :peace:
"Give me your number," she said, "and I'll call you on Friday"
:mobile: he was afraid she wouldnt call, but she did.

Later, at the concert,
they took a spot on the floor amongst the crowd.
:yeah: They were surrounded by cool people,
8) and there he was, with the hot red girl by his side! :pissed:
:happy: "Life doesn’t get better then this!" he thought.
As they waited for the band, he tried to talk to her
:lol::quote::mad2: but she wasn't very responsive
and instead, started screaming for the music to start. :wow::refilao:
Finally Tool was playing :band:
:yes: And to the yellow guys delight, the hot red girl started rocking out :toma:
:) The yellow guy thought, "I actually made her happy! Surely she'll like me now!"

But then, out of nowhere,
some guy with tattoos and piercings walked up to the hot red girl and said
:evil::quote: "Why are you hanging with this dork?"
It was love at first site for the hot red girl. :twisted: :wub:
The hot red girl then turned to the yellow guy and said
"Thanks for the ticket, loser. Have a nice life" :boid:

:shock: the yellow guy couldn’t believe his eyes
:broken: The girl of his dreams had just broken his heart!
and he wasn’t the only one who was disappointed :tdo13:
:/ but he was defeated and alone :cry:

Days later
:smoke: While smoking a joint,
:huh: the yellow guy thought about the hot red girl :pissed:
and about her attitude :mad2: and behavior. :refilao:
:crazy: He thought about what life would have been like with her
and realized that he had been blinded by lust :love-struck:
:D She wasn't the girl of his dreams after all!
:lol: In his excitement, he called her. Good thing he has caller id!
:phone: "I realized you're just a b**ch!" he told her, and laughed
And when she heard his laughter, she got so angry that she litterally exploded. :boom:

And thus ends the story of the little yellow guy.
I hope you enjoyed the show. And before you say anything, I know, it's


Established Member
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eh, that was okay. But I didn't like the ending.

You shoulda had him go home and kill his father, then maybe go on the run and join the Dodgers or something. I donno.


Experienced Member
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I dont see any baseball playing smilie on this site. :roll:
Though killing his father would have been easy.
:firing: :santa:

But thats not in yellow guys character. You knew from the begining that this is a love story.

I stand by it, and by the yellow guy. :salut:


Established Member
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flux said:
I stand by it, and by the yellow guy. :salut:

Interesting choice of words, considering my comment was taken from the movie 'Stand by me.'

Doncha remember, the storyteller guy tells his story about the lardass getting revenge by barfin' on everyone at the pie eating contest. Then the fat kid says he didn't like the ending etc.


Established Member
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*chooses his first post to be a reply to flux's amazing story*

yellow guy rules :)


Senior Member
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Very creative Flux! Welcome Hedgehog!