Oh dear G_d, what have I done?


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I dove into rogaine foam from liquid a little too enthusiastically I'm afraid, using 2-4 cap fulls per day. Was using 2 ml per day liquid. Things were great after a few days. After about a week i had to stop due to catastrophic shedding and flaking in the entire front. Even my strongest, healthiest hair were mercilessly shed. I had been refraining from using in the widow's peak region with liquid.

Aren't healthy hairs supposed to be spared from the shed??
I'm now rethinking my switch to foam, and really regret ever soaking my entire front head in minoxidil for a week. :shakehead: If I start back up at normal dose and leave out the center area entirely like i did with liquid, will my shed hairs return to their full glory, or is the whole front of my head now addicted crack-style to minoxidil for life? :punk: