Oh how I regret it


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I remember on a couple of occasions when I was a kid that I would say well your bald or some smart comment like that. A few people who I used to joke around with would say something and I would respone with grow some hair or something along those lines. Now that I am a month away from being 21 and realized at about 18 or so that I was going to be bald, I do not think I have said anything like this to anyone. Now that I look back at it, I sure was a little bastard. If I could only take it back now. DOH


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Just admitt you were wrong and move on. Don't beat yourself up for something you did when you were a teenager.

Yeah, there is such a thing as Karma, its called a guilty conscience and its a stupid and worthless attitude. No one is perfect.

Green Soap

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LOL @ Karma. Some mindless, random energy keeps track of our deeds and decides whether they were good or bad.



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Teetering on the edge said:
LOL @ Karma. Some mindless, random energy keeps track of our deeds and decides whether they were good or bad.

Theres plenty of definitions for Karma,. that our positive or negative actions will be repayed to us, or that they have an effect on who we are in the next life... (riiiiiiiiight)

But the literal translation of Karma is "action", and used in this context, can simply mean that we will be effected by the consequenses of our actions. Which is not always true, but as long as you have a conscience, if you do something that effects someone else, whether it be good or bad, it will effect you psychologically. (Which is essentially what JesusFreak said)

JesusFreak, there is value in a guilty conscience, as long as you learn from it. When you realize your error, and use that to become a better person, you can then discard of the guilt as you are no longer the person who behaved so poorly.

21gone, of course if the lesson is only "dont pick on bald guys", just because you're losing it too, there really wasnt much learned. If you've learned to treat people in general with more respect, and not point out things they may be self conscious and sensitive of, thats good Karma for you.

hair mchair

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21gone said:
I remember on a couple of occasions when I was a kid that I would say well your bald or some smart comment like that. A few people who I used to joke around with would say something and I would respone with grow some hair or something along those lines. Now that I am a month away from being 21 and realized at about 18 or so that I was going to be bald, I do not think I have said anything like this to anyone. Now that I look back at it, I sure was a little bastard. If I could only take it back now. DOH

I don't see why people get so offended by this. Who cares if someone jokes around that you're going bald? Most people don't have mean-spirited intentions in saying this. And anyway, if you are going bald, then it's true. So why get bent out of shape over something that's true anyway?

If the person does have bad intentions and they're trying to hurt you, then getting pissed off accomplishes exactly what they wanted to happen. If you don't get upset, then you've won.


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Sorry guys this was an innocent post and I was making fun of myself. The people who I did this too were people who I had known for a long time. I figured that most people could relate to something that came back and bit them in the butt. It was merely just joking around with some friends.


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Yeah, you were kidding, but there are a lot of people out there who believe they deserve their misfortune because they may have themselves behaved badly at times in their lives. I mean 70% of our population profess to believe in the Christian myth that god punishes the bad and rewards the righteous. Your hair loss could be your punishment, right? That's bullshit!

Guilt and fear, the two most prominent attitudes in our culture, are the two biggest attitudes that perpetuate hair loss.

A hair loss treatment which does not include the mind, in the form of faith and a positive thinking, is doomed to failure.


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lol, now i've heard it all..

guilt and fear causes hair loss..

you only need arrogance and bravery into pill form and you'd be a millionare!


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lol, now i've heard it all..

I said guilt and fear are attitudes that perpetuate hair loss, meaning that these negative attititudes contribute to the overall process of male pattern baldness, and can even over-ride medical treatments.

You obviously don't know much about psychology, or human behavior.

Ever heard of the placebo effect or creative visualization? Well, look them up ya nitwit.