Oh man, i'm stupid..


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So when I started Propecia a couple weeks ago, they never gave me the pamphlet that goes with it.

Can someone PLEASE tell me if there is any really important info on there that I probably wouldnt know from the site??


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Nothing you can't find here.

Edit: When you get your Propecia, doesn't it come in the official white Propecia box, with the 4 blister packs and pamphlet inside? I don't understand how they couldn't give you the pamphlet...


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No, mine came in a pill bottle.
And it was in a little bag that had a little information on it.
They better have given me the right stuff.


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If the pill is orange and multi-sided, and says Propecia on it.. they gave you the right stuff.

Stuff you need to know real quick:

2% of men have side effects (mostly sexual related)

It helps maintain hair, but for some it can regrow hair to a point.

That's about it.

Take it.


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haha thanks but I know all of that.

Its just that like, I hear all these stories about it being exposed to air and stuff and ruining its effects.

2 days a week I take one in a plastic baggy as I go to class so I can try to stay on schedule with it. I want to make sure thats fine.

Also, I don't take it at the exact time everyday. I want to make sure thats okay too.


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Exposed to air?

Man that's bullshit...

I keep my pill out the night before, so that I remember to take it first thing when I wake up. (I'll see it sitting on my wallet, and swallow it right when I see it).

It's coated, so the medicine is on the inside... the coating, according to Merck, allows it to be handled and "exposed to air" without damaging the medicine inside.

I'm sure there's no problems, unless you're exposing the pills to extreme temperatures.


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Thinneritgoes! said:
Its just that like, I hear all these stories about it being exposed to air and stuff and ruining its effects.
Never heard anyone mention this for Propecia, you might be thinking of people talking about Proscar tablets after they're split into four - though I doubt this affects them either.