Oh no I think its time that I shaved my head!

Bald Dave

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I came in to work today with my hair spiked up and I can only spike the back part of my head because the front of my head is too thin. I hide the balding areas with Toppik. Straight away people noticed my receeding hair and someone even noticed I was wearing toppik. I am only 26 and this just sucks. It looks like shaving it is the only way forward for me :(


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Bald Dave said:
I came in to work today with my hair spiked up and I can only spike the back part of my head because the front of my head is too thin. I hide the balding areas with Toppik. Straight away people noticed my receeding hair and someone even noticed I was wearing toppik. I am only 26 and this just sucks. It looks like shaving it is the only way forward for me :(

Probably is. If it makes you feel better, I am a few years older than you and have NO hair on top at all. I haven't since i was 23.


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My Regimen
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So what if you're 26? I'm 25 and pretty much in the same situation. The difference is that I haven't even tried to spike my hair. Neither should you, the spiking only exaggerates your balding.


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There is always Dermmatch, if you want to postpone shaving further.


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Bald Dave said:
It looks like shaving it is the only way forward for me :(
Well at least you can take comfort in the fact that you've come to the end of the hairloss journey.


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Unfortunately if you are balding, fancy hairstyles don't work well.

I'm curious though, what did they say about the toppik? While it's true that if you apply too much of it you look 'dusty', most people don't even know it exists.

uncomfortable man

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Well at least now maybe you can live up to your name. You might be pleasantly surprised after you shave it and I think your co-workers might respect you more for your decision to be candid about your situation. I think most people can agree that when your balding, a shaved head beats a hairstyle attempt any day. I think you can make it work. :)

optimus prime

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Hey Dave,

Show us a photo of your hair spiked. I want to know also what they said about your toppik.

You would look good with a shaved head. Remember this photo from an old thread.



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wow you suit the buzzed look, its just a case of getting used to it.

Myself on the other hand look like a heroin addict with a buzz cut :(


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So what have you decided to do Dave, any pics?


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...and another one bites the dust.. :badmood:

Yup, I have Rogaine foam that I have not started yet because I am affraid to start using it, plus I think it would bebetter if I waited until the winter to start. Not sure if it's better to use the Rogaine with hair on my head or with my head shaved to a certain level. Otherwise I am going to sport the ever popular shaved head ghetto thug look with matching goatee included for the rest of my life living as a baldie amongst thick fibrous males with no soul.

Bald Dave

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I have taken some pics and I just need to host them and I will show you my head with and without toppik. I used the flash on my camera so I could see the full extent of my hairloss and I hate to say that I am pretty bald now. I thought I was only a nw3 but after taking a birds eye view pic of my head I am more of a nw5. I am starting to see the horseshoe effect. :(

uncomfortable man

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Sorry Dave but that is the point of no return. No amount and Propecia, minoxidil or whatever will help you beyond NW4. Your only hope is a transplant, or acceptance. Welcome to the fuckin club.


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uncomfortable man said:
Sorry Dave but that is the point of no return. No amount and Propecia, minoxidil or whatever will help you beyond NW4. Your only hope is a transplant, or acceptance.

I think you speak to soon


uncomfortable man

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Oh right, forgot that option. You could shave your head and paint your hair on. :roll:


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uncomfortable man said:
Oh right, forgot that option. You could shave your head and paint your hair on. :roll:
I'll go get the bucket and brush.

Remember, it's all in the wrist. Up and down, no side to side Daniel-son.

uncomfortable man

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slowburn said:
uncomfortable man said:
Oh right, forgot that option. You could shave your head and paint your hair on. :roll:
I'll go get the bucket and brush.

Remember, it's all in the wrist. Up and down, no side to side Daniel-son.
It's easy to joke about this sh it when you're not in the hot seat.


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uncomfortable man said:
slowburn said:
[quote="uncomfortable man":1rngelu0]Oh right, forgot that option. You could shave your head and paint your hair on. :roll:
I'll go get the bucket and brush.

Remember, it's all in the wrist. Up and down, no side to side Daniel-son.
It's easy to joke about this sh it when you're not in the hot seat.[/quote:1rngelu0]
Bud, I'm losing my hair to, stop being a cancerous testicle.