Oh why was I so foolish


Established Member
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I have to admit that I was wrong, very wrong, when I suggested that getting hair replacement was a good option for hairloss sufferers. I even took a trip to London to seek out this option for myself.

Check out this link if you will.


Im 21, I can still quite easily pull of a full thick head of hair and they had no problem whatsoever in trying to talk me into a 3000 pound hair replacement program ($5000) .

Richard Farrel, supposedly the best in the industry of hair replacement now has his own hairloss show. Not only does he have a co-host who has the most annoying breathing in the world, but he basically shuns every hairloss treatment besides getting a wig. Refuses to name who he works for, thus trying to present that he is a man out for the hairloss sufferer, even though the most retarded of people could realise that he owns farrel hair replacement.

He states that he has never seen anyone who has grown a full head of hair from chemicals and harmfull drugs (as he calls them) and that the only route to treating this problem is putting on a rug.

True perhaps very few people have regrown a full head of hair from them, but does he state the facts that 80 somewhat percent of people stop the progression of their hairloss due to drugs, no he does not. Hes out to sway people towards his industry and nothing else.

I truely thought that he was a man who took pride in his art ( and maybe he does ) and that he was honest and looking out for the hairloss sufferer. But seriousely, take a look at his show and see for yourself the shameless promotion that this guy is putting out there for himself. Hairloss truely is the most corrupt industry in the world. For anyone who was ever considering hair replacement, think again. Stick to FDA approved drugs or a good hair transplant procedure and nothing else. No matter how trustworthy you may think the company or person who is promoting their bs product is, you truely cannot trust them.


Senior Member
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thanks for the 'heads up' mate ;)