OKay.....DR.LEE'S minoxidil... WHICH ONE AM I BUYING???

Green Soap

Established Member
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I want this legendary 5% that dries in 10 minutes.....

But which one do I want... What the hell is XANDROX? IS that minoxidil? Is that the one that dries fast?

I see minoxidil for $16 and that looks reasonable. I'm hoping that's the one I'm supposed to buy.

Hey, I'm lost on that page!

Nixon's Head

Reaction score
500 Standard Minoxidil 5%, 65 mL $16.65
I try not to move around alot just after applying dr. lee's stuff. I has got such a high % of alcohol (which is great for penetration of the minoxidil) but it could dry so fast that it doesn't have time to penetrate you scalp very well. I mean just think how long it takes alcohol to dry if you rub it on your hands and then wave them around. like 30 seconds. Surely that couldn't be enough time to get optimal penetration. Why dont we just get a hair dryer and it can dry in 1 min? So we have a dilemma--high alcohol content is great for penetration but it could also dry too fast to penetrate the scalp. That's why I try to move as little as possible for 20 min or so after apply minoxidil to ensure maximum penetration.

Green Soap

Established Member
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"What's he doing?"

"..................................................I don't know but he hasn't moved for like 20 minutes."


As Nixon's Head says Product 500 is the one.

On the subject of absoption.

I am sure someone as learned as Dr Lee in the area of hair loss would have weighed up the many factors involved in producing a good vechile for the delivery of minoxidil.

I believe Bryan has figures to show that the most effective ratio for minoxidil delivery was an even higher amount of alcohol than that found in Dr Lee's formula.

I often think that if Dr Lee's stuff was around first and everyone had got used to it, then when they tried a higher PPG formula like Rogaine, they would all be saying: "This stuff still hasn't fully absobed two hours later! it's just sat there on my head!!"

Green Soap

Established Member
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Okay... I had to email for a "consultation" :roll:

How long is the rigmarole going to take before I can buy my minoxidil? I've got about three weeks of the generic crap left.


Green Soap said:
Okay... I had to email for a "consultation" :roll:

How long is the rigmarole going to take before I can buy my minoxidil? I've got about three weeks of the generic crap left.

don't know the answer to that one, no consultaion needed for folk outside of the holy country, ask Cassin or The Gardener, they are both US/Dr Lee users.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Hehehe.. unlike those free-wheeling Brits, American customers of Dr Lee need a 'consultation' before the transactions can begin. It is really a simple matter done over email exchange. Place your order, and after placing that first order he will send you his consultation questionaire. Just fill it out and email back to him... or, you may have to fax it so he has a specimen of your signature, I forget. Nevertheless, once you get that form back to him you order will ship.

It is not a big deal, just a matter of an extra day on that first order.


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It takes exactly two wks to get the stuffs from Dr.Lee. I am in Toronto.


from ordering online the package arriving at my door (UK) 4 days!!

Nixon's Head

Reaction score
Four days, without fail. (for me at least)