Old pictures


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How many of you get sad when you look at old pics of when your hair was glorious?


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My Regimen
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erm probably everyone?!


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My Regimen
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Not me, my hair was never that glorious. But I still had it, so yeah... I know what you mean.

Hans Gruber

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i still have the same hair i had ten years ago..........if i squint my eyes enough :woot:


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My Regimen
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i always refer to my hair being "luscious" when i look at old photos... followed by depression....


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I'm not sure what the answer is. I'm fitter and healthier now compared to 3-4 years ago. All my friends are getting fat, but I went the opposite way, I lost weight.

When I look at old pictures, I feel proud of myself that I lost more than 20kg. However, I also realise I'm getting old. I don't really care about my hair anymore, I think hair is a representation of getting old and that's why I had issues with my receding hairline.

Oh well.. It's not so bad, I feel young at heart. Besides, I'm only 30 and I have a few more years to mess about.


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dudemon said:
Old pics suck indeed - especially highschool! Anyways, nobody can look young forever.

Nahhh... I don't really care that much for my high school days. I prefer my uni days, that was much more fun!!!

I wasn't the wildest student in my course (major for Americans), but I still have tons of stories to tell... High school was fun as well, but there is a limit to how much one can misbehave in his/her parents house.

uncomfortable man

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We should post then and now pictures and have ourselves a good cry.


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my temples started receding when i was 14 so I have to look at some pretty old photos to find perfect hair but if I could have my hair like that again I'd be a happy boy.