Oliver Stone's Message For The Hair Transplant Industry.


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Oliver Stone's message for the hair transplant industry.

I think we can take Oliver Stone's message here and apply it to the hair transplant industry too. I have posted about information systems in the past and it's not a surprise that the only ones who attacked the message were the marketers. Oliver Stone is trying to convey a message and many before him have also tried. It's about a system that controls the information and thus controls what you believe. They create a lot of destruction along the way as they enrich themselves and many are kept in the system by greed and/or blackmail. Is it the hair transplant industry or something else? Or it is simply a system that can be applied to anything if one wants to control the truth and enrich themselves at the cost of others?

BTW what is wrong with Oliver's hair transplant.............nothing. It's represents reality when the angles, hair style, and lighting change. It's the angle, hair style and lighting the marketers don't show you. Does Oliver care? No.............there are more important things going on in life then hair. Can you learn something from the message? Let's hope so and part of that message is that most of the marketers are deceiving you.
