OMG. Is this why stress causes male pattern baldness?


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I just couldn't work it out. I just couldn't. I was thinking and thinking. I was like "hmm, cortisol overwhelming the liver?"

"Cortisol/insulin causing fatty liver?"

Even that just didn't stick. It didn't make sense...........


IS IT DHEA?? DHEA is the most powerful steroid produced by the adrenals and I believe goes hand in hand with cortisol in stress response. It is WELL KNOWN that DHEA supplementation can/does elevate DHT and can cause male pattern baldness in guys.

Perhaps it really is THAT simple. Additionally, DHEA is created from cholesterol so there is still a link to my other thread.

DHEA lowers cortisol. Finally, it makes sense! The body releases DHEA to reduce it's cortisol and this increases DHT.

Check out the huge role and significance of DHEA as an androgen (scroll down - I'm on my phone so can't give a better link!):

Also look up it's production, role, and connection to DHT.

Again, I'm not sure but... this finally plugs another hole that I just couldn't work out.

Phew, I'm knackered lol



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purecontrol said:
Cortisol sensitizes the AR and will change epigenetics as well.

Do you have any studies or evidence for that? I have them to back up what I said! :)


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Guys I think I am on to something aswell, if you are never born you will never get bald so you'll just have to build a timemachine and go back in time and make it so that your parents never get to meet (you could for example shoot your mother or father). Could it really be that simple???


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Thing is cortisol is linked to fatty liver, cholesterol and DHEA. DHEA increases DHT. An increase in DHT can make or break hair loss - come on you guys KNOW this stuff. Women's Androgenetic Alopecia starts and stops I believe due to hormonal fluctuation as well. So where does this hormone imbalance model die?

You guys are so keen to believe it just HAS to be epigenetics or whatever, without any thought or often even ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of causes for and effects of hormonal imbalance. The joke is once it hits home that it CAN make or break male pattern baldness (which it has for me), the floodgates are well and truly open :)


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You are really starting to piss me off, your stupidity is getting really old.

Stop grasping at straws!

Most men with male pattern baldness do not have super high levels of DHT. ... 133905.htm

ScienceDaily (Jan. 6, 2011) — Given the amount of angst over male pattern balding, surprisingly little is known about its cause at the cellular level. In a new study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, a team led by George Cotsarelis, MD, chair of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, has found that stem cells play an unexpected role in explaining what happens in bald scalp.


See Also:
Using cell samples from men undergoing hair transplants, the team compared follicles from bald scalp and non-bald scalp, and found that bald areas had the same number of stem cells as normal scalp in the same person. However, they did find that another, more mature cell type called a progenitor cell was markedly depleted in the follicles of bald scalp.

The researchers surmised that balding may arise from a problem with stem-cell activation rather than the numbers of stem cells in follicles. In male pattern balding, hair follicles actually shrink; they don't disappear. The hairs are essentially microscopic on the bald part of the scalp compared to other spots.

"We asked: 'Are stem cells depleted in bald scalp?'" says Cotsarelis. "We were surprised to find the number of stem cells was the same in the bald part of the scalp compared with other places, but did find a difference in the abundance of a specific type of cell, thought to be a progenitor cell," he says. "This implies that there is a problem in the activation of stem cells converting to progenitor cells in bald scalp."

At this point, the researchers don't know why there is a breakdown in this conversion. "However, the fact that there are normal numbers of stem cells in bald scalp gives us hope for reactivating those stem cells," notes Cotsarelis.

In 2007, the Cotsarelis lab found that hair follicles in adult mice regenerate by re-awakening genes once active only in developing embryos. The team determined that wound healing in a mouse model created an "embryonic window" of opportunity to manipulate the number of new hair follicles that form. By activating dormant embryonic molecular pathways stem cells were coaxed into forming new hair follicles.

In the JCI study, the group also found a progenitor cell population in mice that is analogous to the human cells; these cells were able to make hair follicles and grow hair when injected into an immunodeficient mice.

The researchers say their next steps will be to study the stem and progenitor populations in other types of hair loss, including female pattern hair loss. The information may assist in developing cell-based treatments for male pattern balding by isolating stem cells and expanding them to add back to the scalp directly. They will also focus on identifying factors that could be used topically to convert stem cells to progenitor cells to generate normal large hairs.

First author Luis Garza, MD, PhD, a dermatologist and former postdoctoral fellow in the Cotsarelis lab, performed much of the work and is now an assistant professor of Dermatology at Johns Hopkins University.

The research was funded in part by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; the Pennsylvania Department of Health; the Fannie Gray Hall Center for Human Appearance; and L'Oreal.

That is epigenetics you dumb f***, and this is the latest study as well.

If your epigenetics did not change then you would not lose your hair ever!

Epigenetics are changed by, things you encounter in life, ie food, sleep patterns, stress, ect