on avodart an hairsite is scaring me


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been on avodart for some time now 4 months at first then a 2 month break (unavoidable) now been back on for some 2.5 months. the first time i took it i shaved my head around the time i started so couldnt notice a shed. this second time i started with a loading dose of 1.5mg for the first 10 days, then down to .5mg daily. have had massive shed and lost a lot of frontal density. hairsite is telling me that if i shed at the start i'll never see any gains ( on avodart). i think i see some new hairs and feel like an idiot for even reading hairsite but am still on the verge of quitting avodart. has anyone had similar shedding experiences on avodart?


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i know i know , im posting directly after myself, but i just read some doctor dude saying that the shed on avodart is caused by the raised oestrogen levels in the scalp. i was under the impression oestrogen was good for hair, a growth stimulant if you will. or am i wrong?


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Avodart is a stronger drug hence bigger shed than finasteride .I wouldn't worry about never seeing those hairs again .Just use copper peptide and rogaine to shorten the resting phase .


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I'd be willing to bet that 75% of the posters on Hairsite are full of sh*t. I think your strong loading dose may have caused a big shed. Either way, I would give it at LEAST 6-9 months (preferably a year) before making an assessment.


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PowerSam said:
been on avodart for some time now 4 months at first then a 2 month break (unavoidable) now been back on for some 2.5 months.
This could be the source of the problem. The on and off-ness of it.

PowerSam said:
the first time i took it i shaved my head around the time i started so couldnt notice a shed.
Why be afraid of noticing a shed? Sheds are not bad news. They are an indicator that you are responding to the treatment. Sheds are not "lost hair". Its just hair responding to the change (positive change) you've introduced, and going dormant to restart the growth cycle. Its just "starting over". Nothing to be afraid of. It will grow back. Even in the absence of a treatment, shed hair grows back. The miniaturization process of full blown Male Pattern Baldness takes many many cycles. Hair doesn't just fall out never to return.

PowerSam said:
this second time i started with a loading dose of 1.5mg for the first 10 days, then down to .5mg daily. have had massive shed and lost a lot of frontal density.
Well you've basically started over again, so you're shedding. You were off for 2.5 months. What you're seeing makes sense.

PowerSam said:
hairsite is telling me that if i shed at the start i'll never see any gains ( on avodart).
Unless the people on hairsite have some medical training, or have access to some clinical data supporting this theory, I would not take it too seriously. A lot of people have a tendency to become what I call "Armchair Scientists". Sometimes that's good, if they know the data or don't use conjecture, but many times conjecture is a big part of what they conclude and declare as fact.



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Whats wrong with my avatar!! Smiley faces bring warm feelings of goodness to the community! It worked for Walmart right? =P

Im still a moderator, it just seemed redundant to have my name listed as a moderator on the main page.

Any features currently missing will be replaced very soon. Its part of the upgrade process as we upgraded the forums.


not me!

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HairlossTalk said:
Why be afraid of noticing a shed? Sheds are not bad news. They are an indicator that you are responding to the treatment. Sheds are not "lost hair". Its just hair responding to the change (positive change) you've introduced, and going dormant to restart the growth cycle. Its just "starting over". Nothing to be afraid of. It will grow back. Even in the absence of a treatment, shed hair grows back. The miniaturization process of full blown Male Pattern Baldness takes many many cycles. Hair doesn't just fall out never to return.


Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.

I have no idea why, but the word "shed" alone just grates on my nerves. I was (was!) a NW4 at 25 years old before my hair transplant and starting on an adequate hair loss regimen. Save for the occasional stray on my bathroom counter I can honestly say that I NEVER saw a hair. Not in the shower, not on my pillow, not in my brush. None. Either I REALLY wasn't paying attention (I was) or some of the guys on here are paying WAAAAY too much attention.


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thanks for the replies, i needed someone to talk sense to me. on another note i'm not one of those guys who stands in the shower counting the hairs, shedding doesnt bother me but i can see my scalp now when i never could before.

about the on and offness, it was unavoidable but i assume there was still some dutasteride in my system after the 2 months so it wouldnt be totally from scratch would it?
also is the oestrogen in the scalp thing total bullshit?

hairsite... i only went there to read a little bit about t3 cos i was thinking about putting some in my spironolactone , so many randon "statements of fact" floating round in that place

either way thanks for the assurance, it was much needed


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HairlossTalk said:
Whats wrong with my avatar!! Smiley faces bring warm feelings of goodness to the community!

HairLossTalk.com - I saw that Tynan made you that animated avatar finally - how come you haven't used it yet? I tried to find the thread without luck. I was really looking forward to see Ty animate the avatar you had before - that would have been interesting!


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ATTENTION TYNAN: Could you possibly animate HairLossTalk.com's previous avatar! Waiting to see you do your magic!!