On big 3 8 months. Problems!


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On big 3 8 months. Problems!(update month 13)

I am 30 years old and I first started on the big 3 in october of 2011 when my hairdresser informed me that my crown was really starting to thin. This came as a shock to me because my hair had always been absurdly thick and was still very thick everywhere else. This realization coincided with the fact that my scalp had been incredibly itchy for a good month. The itch was absolutely brutal. I was also battling a pretty persistent case of prostatitis that had lasted 3 months. ( the dermo told me that it was unrelated to male pattern baldness but I'm unconvinced)

I immediately visited my GP and he referred me to a dermo who quickly looked at my hair and confirmed it was male pattern baldness. He prescribed me proscar(which I split into quarters) and recommended I use minoxidil.

The first 6 weeks were uneventful with perhaps a slight ball ache that lasted a few days however my scalp itch disappeared immediately which was a huge relief. Then the shedding started and man o man was it bad. Over the following 2 months I lost around 30% of my hair, it was absolutely devastating. I was losing hair from everywhere, even my eyebrows were shedding. My once thick head of hair had become very very thin. At around the 3 month mark the shedding seemed to have stabilized and I was gaining back some of the lost hair. My crown also started to have a sand paper feel which I assumed meant I had some new growth coming. For the next 3 and half months I did gain back some of the original loss but it was still significantly under baseline and my crown was still very thin. I did notice some new hair coming in at the hairline.

At around the 6 and half month mark and noticed my shedding was starting again. I assumed it was a temporary shed but over the course of the next month it only worsened. I am now month 8 and the shedding is absolutely ridiculous. My eyebrows have also started to shed again. I slightly tug on the hair from anywhere on my head and a bunch fall out. I just brushed my hair over the sink and counted at least 50 hairs that had fallen in. I am also noticing that my nipples are very puffy( I did have gyno in my teenage years that went away). However I do see some new growth on the crown and am noticing some very dark patches coming up.

I will go back to the doctors to get some blood work done. I am assuming that the finasteride has made my estrogen levels spike but frankly I'm really not sure whats going on.

Any feedback on what could be going on would be greatly appreciated.


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Well its been almost 13 months and I have good news. Over the last month the regrowth has been incredible. My major problem area, the crown, has almost completely filled in and I still feel a bunch of new stubble. I'm still shedding an incredible amount of hair but my hair is improving daily. At it's worse I had lost about 40% of my original density( this was at around the 9 month mark). So for all those going through massive shedding or think that finasteride is only making things worse, be patient, your hair will come back. Be consistent with your regimen and remember that no matter how bad things get your hair will come back.Unfortunately I don't have a pic from when I started or from when things were at their worse but I'll try to upload a pic of my current situation.


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Well its been almost 13 months and I have good news. Over the last month the regrowth has been incredible. My major problem area, the crown, has almost completely filled in and I still feel a bunch of new stubble. I'm still shedding an incredible amount of hair but my hair is improving daily. At it's worse I had lost about 40% of my original density( this was at around the 9 month mark). So for all those going through massive shedding or think that finasteride is only making things worse, be patient, your hair will come back. Be consistent with your regimen and remember that no matter how bad things get your hair will come back.Unfortunately I don't have a pic from when I started or from when things were at their worse but I'll try to upload a pic of my current situation.

Please do, there are many of us who are going through a really bad shed, for longer than expected, so pictures of your results would be uplifting. And if there was any way you could find one of when your shed was bad that would be great.