Hi, I've been experiencing diffuse thinning on all over the top my head, mainly in the crown area (hairline is intact). I don't have any noticeable bald patches but my hair strands seem to be getting thinner & thinner. This has slowly been progressing for about 3 years.
I recently went on the big 3 for about 3 months. I initially had a lot of shedding at the 1 month-mark, losing about 200 hairs per day. I think things stabilized at the 3 month mark and I was barely losing hair except for a few long ones here and there.
I eventually went off Propecia because I was having difficulties getting an erection. I also stopped Rogaine for about 20 days, then resumed. About a week after quitting Propecia, my sex drive/erections went back to normal.
It's been about 2 months since I've been off Propecia, and I've noticed that I've been losing a lot of small thin hairs. Overall I feel like I'm losing a lot more than when I was on Propecia at the 3 month mark, although definitely less than before I started the big 3.
I guess my dilemma is whether I should resume taking Propecia. I want to keep my hair, but I'm scared of the sides. Is there anyway I can prevent further hair-loss without Propecia or should I see where just Rogaine + Nizoral takes me? Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I recently went on the big 3 for about 3 months. I initially had a lot of shedding at the 1 month-mark, losing about 200 hairs per day. I think things stabilized at the 3 month mark and I was barely losing hair except for a few long ones here and there.
I eventually went off Propecia because I was having difficulties getting an erection. I also stopped Rogaine for about 20 days, then resumed. About a week after quitting Propecia, my sex drive/erections went back to normal.
It's been about 2 months since I've been off Propecia, and I've noticed that I've been losing a lot of small thin hairs. Overall I feel like I'm losing a lot more than when I was on Propecia at the 3 month mark, although definitely less than before I started the big 3.
I guess my dilemma is whether I should resume taking Propecia. I want to keep my hair, but I'm scared of the sides. Is there anyway I can prevent further hair-loss without Propecia or should I see where just Rogaine + Nizoral takes me? Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!