On fire with finasteride



Since I started seeing this new girl my sex drive has gone through the roof. I split proscar into 4 and pop one each day. I know this is supposed kill your sex drive but I am like a caged animal at the moment. I'm 35 and have not felt like this since I was 21. Maybe my body is now settled and my hormones are going back to normal.

has anyone ecounterd this before. Does it go up and down like a yoyo or am I just a lucky twat.


these blue pills you have been taking, what shape are they?

George Costanza

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How long have you been on finasteride?


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Propecia immediately begins to inhibit the formation of DHT. This means Testosterone is not allowed to bind with an enzyme and create DHT to a large extent anymore. This results in a lot of free testosterone floating around in the system. Eventually that testosterone will be metabolized into estrogens and you will see a potentially strong decrease in libido. But this is why you are seeing an increase in libido during your first few weeks on Propecia. You may be in for a big dry spell soon. Ultimately the pendulum will swing back, and your body will overcompensate and undercompensate until equilibrium is reached again. Typically takes a month or two. This is why Propecia side effects, unlike most other drugs, actually decrease if you give it time, rather than increase.



George Costanza said:
How long have you been on finasteride?

I guess I have been on it for over 5 months now. Seems to going OK. I think my hair has improved as well as my sex drive.