On Propecia-Need to quit spironolactone

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I have been using spironolactone for around 5months now and im afraid it would appear it hasnt really helped.As a result ive decided to go on propecia.Now,can i quit the spironolactone without any fear of a mamoth shed (as finasteride does the same thing) or should i phase it out?.Can Any1 who quit spironolactone after a few months shed some light on the subject?


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You will most likely shed from the propecia and shed from stopping the spironolactone. Good choice though and you'll just have to hang in there. In might be a little rough in the beginning as far as shedding, but maybe not.


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There is no harm in using both medications at the same time. Where spironolactone blocks receptors, and finasteride blocks dht production, the two could compliment each other very well.

If you are really set on quitting spironolactone, I would gradually reduce your applications over 3 months or so as the finasteride becomes more and more effective.