On shaved heads and sunburn


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My head's been shaved for several days now. I'm loving it. You can see that the top and back are definitely a finer hair and have thinned out a lot, and my hair's almost black so the world knows, but all the responses I'm getting to this new look are great, and I'm happy for the first time in a long time in the hair department. But here's my question:

Inflammation of the follicle caused by male pattern baldness causes hair to sicken and die. But does inflammation from a bit too much sun or other external irritations do the same thing? I'm tanning up the scalp to match the rest of me but I don't want to kill the poor, wimpy little suckers off. I'm still on Propecia, Tricomin and minoxidil, etc., and I'm still leaving the door open for improvement, so I don't want to blow it just in case something good happens. Advice from the wise ones???

Anorexic Hair

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How much sun can our weaklings hair handle ?! That's a very good question in my opinion.In fact i was gonna ask that same question . I thought about it and the answer is quite simple ..wear a cap ... oh sh*t !!! than your scalp wouldn't get tanned ... f*** !!!Why not apply sunblock onyour scalp ... just an idea (i'm sure that there's a f*** up behind that too) . When i found out that it's possible to prevent hairloss ,I had no idea how complicated it is.It's like raising up a fuckin kid !!! I'am happy that u like your new look ... thanks for giving me courage
P.S: I posted to keep this thread alive


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im not sure either but i was always told to wear a hat in the sun

hopefully it doesnt kill em

Green Soap

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Yes, to all you guys who are mocked and ridiculed on a daily basis and feel like /yourself.

Just get rid of it.

Everybody knows you're bald. I promise. Everybody knows you're bald and they when they talk about you, that's what they talk about.

You're STILL on a regimen. It could all come back in a major way. Plus your meds get to your head better.

On top of that, you'll look better, FEEL (did I emphasise that enough) way better once past the initial panic, get much more respect and attention from the ladies (swear to god), and realize that you are indeed a handsome devil. :evil:

While you are growing it back, get rid of it. Then, shock the world.


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I know I should wear a hat, but my skin is so white and my hair's so dark, it really looks pretty stark. I'm being careful not to burn, but I don't want to kill what hair I have. This would be an interesting topic to research, no?

Green Soap

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Sunblock is your friend.

You shaved your head because you didn't care what anybody else thought, right?? (plus you were pleasantly surprised after all)

Then why get melanoma just so you can have a tan head? Same logic applies.


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UV rays from sunlight increase levels of dht, free radicals and inflammation in the scalp.

I would definitely use a sunblock. You might also think about adding topical 2% spironolactone, which can block ~80% of all androgens at the receptor site. I dont think people realize that there are more androgens than just DHT that cause hair loss. spironolactone is effective against these.

Sunblock should be a must anyways. I don't think people realize that at least 75% of skin wrinkling is caused by UV rays from the sun. I rarely leave the house without applying at least on my face, neck, ears and arms. Do a search on melanoma and skin cancers if you need any more convincing.

Anorexic Hair

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Kyriakin said:
Teetering on the edge said:
Yes, to all you guys who are mocked and ridiculed on a daily basis and feel like /yourself.

Just get rid of it.

Everybody knows you're bald. I promise. Everybody knows you're bald and they when they talk about you, that's what they talk about.

You're STILL on a regimen. It could all come back in a major way. Plus your meds get to your head better.

On top of that, you'll look better, FEEL (did I emphasise that enough) way better once past the initial panic, get much more respect and attention from the ladies (swear to god), and realize that you are indeed a handsome devil. :evil:

While you are growing it back, get rid of it. Then, shock the world.

For some people....

.....Whereas other people just look sh*t after shaving it all off. Fact

Very true ! but i'd rather look less attractive ,if that mean's no more hassles to stlye my horrible looking hair (aaahhhhhh !!! imagine that) . :)

Shave my poodle

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Slap on a little fake tan for dulls days and wear a cap for sunny days.

Green Soap

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"Whereas other people just look sh*t after shaving it all off"

They look even worse with thin, recessed hair laying like greasy bacon all over their head.

It's not possible to look worse. Fact. Just takes adjustment to it and really not all that much.

Anorexic Hair

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Teetering on the edge said:
"Whereas other people just look sh*t after shaving it all off"

They look even worse with thin, recessed hair laying like greasy bacon all over their head.

It's not possible to look worse. Fact. Just takes adjustment to it and really not all that much.

Fuckin right!!! ... it look's like we r dying and sh*t :freaked: