On the idea that non-bald men are somehow idiots we can easily take over


My Regimen
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I am not fond of reading (not only on this forum, of course: it is commonplace) that, in order to recuperate the gap in the dating "arena", all that it is necessary to bald men is to "outsmart" the guys who still have hair.

As if it were easy.

As regards monetary success: good-looking men, full of hair, are not stupid: if we can be successful, they can too. If anything, they are even facilitated by the societal help that good-looking people get.

Self confidence: you don't impose self-confidence. Either you have it, or you don't. If anything, good looks boost confidence.

So, if we want to regain what DHT is taking away from us, we cannot hope that there is a universal balance that will make us smarter than hot people. We have to work on being better. Hard.


Established Member
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If we want to regain what DHT is taking away from us, we need to regrow hair. There is no compensation, really.
You can get smarter or richer but neither has anything to do with your appearance. At best, you're buying sex; might as well go to a prostitute then.


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When it comes to men face and height trump everything else, hair loss doesn't take away much for certain men but let's be honest the majority can't pull the bald look. With women height doesn't matter too much but body fat and the face are what they're judged upon on the first approach.

See this:

They should do one a large study for bald men with premature male pattern baldness, the results would be very telling. I'm convinced that many men lose the drive once they start to bald.


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"Short men and overweight women get a raw deal in life"
WTF. As if being overweight is something you have no control over. Poor fat women, if only there was a simple, free and easy way to lose weight with no negative side effects, only good ones. If only ...


My Regimen
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"Short men and overweight women get a raw deal in life"
WTF. As if being overweight is something you have no control over. Poor fat women, if only there was a simple, free and easy way to lose weight with no negative side effects, only good ones. If only ...

ha ha I like your irony.
I am not sure that losing weight is as easy as you are suggesting, though, for obese persons.
However, I would agree that, if you could regain your hair by eating less, this forum would not even exist.


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I agree, it's not really easy but easy as in no surgery needed and that everyone can do it

And on topic, you are 100% right. I don't understand these "just improve yourself" to be better than "others" as if the "others" can't do the same thing. It's not rocket science, they think the same.


My Regimen
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If we want to regain what DHT is taking away from us, we need to regrow hair. There is no compensation, really.
You can get smarter or richer but neither has anything to do with your appearance. At best, you're buying sex; might as well go to a prostitute then.

Truth.. unless you're in the like 1% that's actually still sexy bald. Then you have a chance. :(


Senior Member
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The idea of improving yourself is not for getting sex friends..not for getting women.

All US baldites /future baldies need to learn that improving yourself will matter to you only.
It's for us...
Will you want to live as a poor person..unsuccessful person.

Many here are below 30..expenses shoots up after 30..who will pay for this...your career,job.

Many women do not like bald men,no matter how better you look..
But will you quit living because of this...