One and a half months, war's over


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I started taking finasteride mid August and I've already started developing gyno. My nips have just about tripled in size and there are small, stiff lumps above each, given how skinny I am the lump above the left is even visible. So I've quit finasteride for the moment and am going to make a doctor's appointment, really as a formality more than anything, as I'm virtually certain this is gyno. I never experienced any other sides except maybe a very slight case of the test-ache-les. In fact I'd just about kill to have "80%" erections be the worst of my problems right now. Gyno was the only deal breaker, even if I didn't think finasteride was working I probably would've kept taking it for a long time anyway. But lucky f*****g me, I start getting tits after about 40 days. So I'm going to keep taking minoxidil and using nizoral, but in my mind it's already over and my hair is doomed. The worst part is that even if finasteride didn't work well at least I would've had a year of optimism, where I could've looked forward with some kind of hopefulness. Now I'm dreading the future, oncoming days of pillows, hands, and drains full of hair. It f*****g sucks. Over the last month my hairline has actually receded about two thirds of an inch at the temples, which means that finasteride was blocking enough DHT to send Estrogen through the roof. Plus the DHT slipping through was still enough to ravage my hair. So now with it all fully unleashed again it's going to get real bad, real fast. Has anyone here ever started developing gyno, reduced dose, and had it stabilize? Or has anyone had gyno start to develop near the beginning but then stop as hormone's are put back in check during later months and other sides dissipate? I doubt this will be the case, or that I'll even risk taking it again if one or two people say so but I might.

P.S. I never believed the people that said the >2% gyno rate was bunk, but now I'm fully converted. Merck's full of sh*t.


FleshEatingRobot bad luck mate!

Why don't you jump on a Topical DHT inhibitor like spironolactone pretty quick?

Is there any example of Gyno being a temporary side effect which your body will eventually adjust to?

good luck


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Well, I was considering spironolactone just because it seems to be the fallback for all bad responders on this forum but I haven't seen much research behind it, and haven't really read any good testimonials on this forum. It always seems like people just mention using it and then never follow up on how it's working. Maybe that's the secret. spironolactone kills people. I just doubt if it's worth it. With regards to revivogen I doubt it'll help, what I've read seems to indicate that it's mostly just an inflammation reliever. I was considering adding some kind of copper peptide to my regimen, but I really doubt it would compensate for finasteride just because it doesn't attack the root problem of hairloss at all. My questions about gyno still stand though:

1. Has anyone had their gyno stabilize or dissipate after the first couple months?

2. Has anyone experienced the beginnings of gyno, reduced dosage, and had it go away?

And thanks for the responses Tynan and Kikoman.


FleshEatingRobot, another option would be taking finasteride down to 0.2mg a day, (trial data shows it to be almost as effective as 1mg a day etc), theoretically this would lessen any side effects.

This along with a topical like spironolactone and the chance that your problems are caused by your body adjusting to hormonal onslaught the larger dose of finasteride brought, may just do the trick for you.