One last post... lost most of my hair on NW6 area in 1.5 yrs


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Yo guys, like you know I left the board about a month ago. I browse the site from time to time and of course I'm still thinking about the hairloss situation. Well, I just showered and took a look at my hair (about 1.5 cm long all around) under strong light. It's fairly obvious that almost every hair on the top of my head is miniaturized, it's like dust, baby hair, whatever you want to call it. And most of this has happened during the last year and a half (while on meds). So guess what: I'm f*****g bummed. My headshape is what it is, not really suitable for shaving etc. and I am really very bald on NW6. No chance to fool anyone that I have hair. The feeling that I felt when I looked in the mirror was unexplainable. I knew I was thinning etc (obviously) so I don't look my hair under a strong light very often but still: it was a total shellshock. I'm so angry at my bad genes right now, I'm mostly happy how I look like face-wise but the balding and bad headshape really takes it all away. It's one thing to be receding or thinning, but when the thinning stage only lasts for 1.5 years in your early 20's and boom then you're bald... that's another thing. It's so hard to imagine carrying on living with a shaved horseshoe... so hard.

Some of you guys said that I will be back and yeah, you were right. This is gonna be my only post, though. Just needed to vent a bit and this was the only place I could think of, since it's middle of the night here.

EDIT: Now that I think of it, I don't know if I'll leave the forum for good. When I've been browsing the forum I've sometimes had the urge to comment on some posts but couldn't because I didn't have an account anymore. And I've also thought that now that I left this forum I'm spending more time on others, so what the hell? I might just stick around, I see DoctorHouse has missed me :hump:


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Just come back man, you know you wanna post :)


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yeah man, beat my post count.


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Dude what did you expect to see when looking at your hair under a strong light with a magnifign glass when its only 1.5cm long? A wall of inpentratable hair that not even the most poweful of light sources could penetrate? Its just an illusion. Everyones hair looks like that when its that short. Have you tried growing it longer and using hair thickening products?


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GHG said:
lost most of my hair on NW6 area in 1.5 yrs
and I am really very bald on NW6. No chance to fool anyone that I have hair.

Are you saying that of all the hair you've lost most of it was in the NW6 area, or are you saying that you think you've lost most of your hair in the NW6 area? Because if its the latter then I suggest you buy some glasses :shock: .
Look at your avatar pic. You are not bald or nearly bald.


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Wow, you actually mentioned me. I am so flattered. Honestly, I have not thought about you at all. Nor was I going to post anything to you any more but my name came up so I couldn't resist. You have s.a.f. to give you a reality check anyway so my posts to you were just time wasted. I have better things to do. I do miss Taug though. :devil:


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s.a.f said:
GHG said:
lost most of my hair on NW6 area in 1.5 yrs
and I am really very bald on NW6. No chance to fool anyone that I have hair.

Are you saying that of all the hair you've lost most of it was in the NW6 area, or are you saying that you think you've lost most of your hair in the NW6 area? Because if its the latter then I suggest you buy some glasses :shock: .
Look at your avatar pic. You are not bald or nearly bald.

I meant most of my hair on NW6. That picture doesn't even tell half the truth. I've already posted the really bad pictures which show the thinning.