One more question on my recent hair transplant

Doug Jarvis

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I had a strip hair transplant about a month ago ( 12/7 ). The donor area is still a bit sore and mildly swollen. The transplanted area is fine. My doctor says the sensitivity in the donor area is normal, even at this stage. Is this correct?

Also, how soon should I wait before dying my hair. I'd like to do it now but I'm afraid I'd inflame the donor area ( I'll go to some sort of salon to have it dyed ) because they use strong dyes? What do folks advise? Thanks!


Experienced Member
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Doug Jarvis said:
I had a strip hair transplant about a month ago ( 12/7 ). The donor area is still a bit sore and mildly swollen. The transplanted area is fine. My doctor says the sensitivity in the donor area is normal, even at this stage. Is this correct?

Also, how soon should I wait before dying my hair. I'd like to do it now but I'm afraid I'd inflame the donor area ( I'll go to some sort of salon to have it dyed ) because they use strong dyes? What do folks advise? Thanks!

It can take a year or even more before the back of your head feels 100% normal after strip.

Lay down in a tub and seee how it feels when you lean your head back against the ledge of the tub, mine felt "weird" for a long time but all is good today.

I'd wait on dying your hair until after the ugly phase which is around month 6 or 7.