one more thing..


New Member
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In some of my previous posts, I've noted that I completely and honestly believe my hairloss is medically related extending far beyond genetics or cell inherritance and that opinion was based off the fact I seem to be the only one in my enormously large family suffering from this problem..

I've read in several articles now that it is believed ones immune system could interfere with hair growth in a negative manner.. without being too hopeful for any miraculous answers...

would it at all be possible that my hairloss is attributed to by the removal of my spleen which I fractured when I was about 9? It's a very vital organ of the immune system and I'm wondering if my body had some adverse affect through the process of puberty/maturing that caused this condition which might be an explanation as to why minoxidil/propecia seem to be yielding no results..

owell just thought I'd ask, maybe I'll ask my primary care next week


Senior Member
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Nope....because by having your spleen removed your immune system might be weaker....
The way I understand it is:
THe immune system is what's supposedly attacking the hair follicle. Much like organ rejection. So theoretically a weakened immune system would be a positive thing.

You may have just got the short straw my friend.
I'm the only Male in my family with male pattern baldness too.


BadHairDecade said:
I'm the only Male in my family with male pattern baldness too.

yep! here too, 3 brothers with hair the forestry commission would be interested in, my father (RIP) had good hair till the end (died at 41 :freaked: ) grandfather too, I guess I drew the short straw.
