one of the best!


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best hair transplant ever...a good hairpiece:)


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Senior Member
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This is pretty sweetly done. Low density for the win.

Are those temple flaps or does he have naturally strong side hair?


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those are not temple flaps...jsut his hair...I think his side hair it is not so "strong" I have the same sides...I find them a bit thin...

but anyway a great result!


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so now maybe I have succedeed to shut some mouths here about a hair system that it is nothing just an awful solution! especially dudemon and some others...yea dudemon maybe that guy with ferrari doesn't know about a wig that can order online and is as cheap as 200$ ;)

one more only spot a bad wig...not a good one! why? ...because you can not spot a good one:))

I am not wearing this kind of wig...but I am tempted to try...and give up taking harmfull meds and so on...I don't even think at an hair transplant now...spending a lot of money with the risk of being butchered and in the end having nothing just a few strand of hair on my think one more time before wasting money or ruin some life!


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It's not a bad piece, but the colors don't match and neither does the density. Most people won't notice it, but if you are going to wear short hair like that, you really need a better color match. The piece is at least a full shade darker than his natural hair and because his natural hair is soft and fine, he needs a better density match too. The last pic is where the difference is most obvious, but on the 3rd pic, the line where the piece ends and his natural hair begins is pretty obvious..

Now maybe a man on a galloping horse won't notice it, but these pics point up the difference between a good hair system and a great one.


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you just can not for perfection when you're loosing my opinion 99% of people on the street will not notice anything...besides this...I have noticed that a lot of people without male pattern baldness have the sides thinne and the most density is at the back and top! in my opinion it is very good!


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Honestly, if I could get a piece to look like that I would wear in a heartbeat. A couple of hours a week maintenance and a fair bit of extra hassle in your daily living, to be sure. But at least you get your life back.


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Grimoire said:
It's not a bad piece, but the colors don't match and neither does the density. Most people won't notice it, but if you are going to wear short hair like that, you really need a better color match. The piece is at least a full shade darker than his natural hair and because his natural hair is soft and fine, he needs a better density match too. The last pic is where the difference is most obvious, but on the 3rd pic, the line where the piece ends and his natural hair begins is pretty obvious..

Now maybe a man on a galloping horse won't notice it, but these pics point up the difference between a good hair system and a great one.
I can see where you are talking about,and so have plenty of others pointed that out.Would you believe me when i say that what we see is NOT the hairpiece at all,because apparantly the anomolies that we see in the pictures are caused by lighting and his actual hairpice is actually higher up on his head!Strange but true!

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I appreciate photo submissions like this because they provide food for thought for the undecided. However, in my eye, the piece in question looks expertly integrated and yet not 100% convincing.

The haircut in question also appears to be one of moderate maintenance and appears to involve gel or some similar product. I would be more sold on modern hairpieces by a photo of a style that is more basic, dry and that would be very undetectable at any point within a week of maintenance including when I get out of bed and have not spent 20 minutes styling to make front and sides look real.

This is not to complain about the submission in question as it is quite good, possibly the best photo submission, within the status quo of hairpieces. However, these photos plus two months of research do not yet have me convinced that the best of current technology fulfills all angles of the expectation that might come with the phrase "completely undetectable" to the eye.


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Boondock said:
This is pretty sweetly done. Low density for the win.

Are those temple flaps or does he have naturally strong side hair?
I laughed when i read 'temple flaps' but then realised that it's something that is used..the name sounds funny.

Anyway great hair piece, it blends in rather well and i don't think you'd be caught out. It seems that some of us would notice that it's kinda 'mis matched' because we're looking for the difference.