One thing i dont understand about you lot..

Mens Rea

Senior Member
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I've read time and time again how people are super sensitive about people mentioning their male pattern baldness.

I mean, there's a CLEAR distinction between someone mentioning it to you in an inquisitive and principly friendly matter than in a manner that is solely geared to make fun of you.

I think the main issue for many of you guys is that you like to delude yourselves into thinking your hairloss isn't a noticable as you know it is deep down. I think that this issue is perhaps the profound reason why many of you are struggling so hard with hair loss from the outset (i.e. nothing facing your hairloss honestly and realistically with yourself). I mean, we all hate having male pattern baldness but this is a seperate matter.

For me - occassionally i may have a conversation with a friend or my brothers about my or their hair. Its never venomous or anything that picks fun. Why would i get offended with that? Im never ever offended by someone mentioning my hair, i KNOW its thinning and i try to deal with that fact and the fact that it is there. Mentioning it is subordinate to this process.

All im saying is i dont understand being uber-sensitive about things. Me and 3 friends were making up a drunken song last week and one of my friends who is also thinning (not to my extent...yet!) said a line that ryhmed about " and colin's hair" implying we were thinning. I thought it was hilarous. Its not as if the other 2 friends care or judge us, we all have similar success in all areas of life.....basically noone cares if the other guy is balding or not - we're straight guys!!

Anyway all im saying is, guys, try to take things the wrong way all the time. If someone is deliberately poking fun trying to get a laugh from the crowd then this is different but creating a akwardness around the topic between friends and family surely only counter-productive.

Rant over :p