One thing that worries me about the 'natural' path


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I almost never see photos. I keep hearing people maintaining but I don't see photos. Even if someone claims regrowth I don't see photos.

I have seen photos of experimental stuff but outside of brushing or other scalp messages I have never seen any photos.

However I would like to think there is a cure for male pattern baldness that can be obtained from nature. There is too many different elements out there to rule it out completely.


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Well I think those really "preaching" certain things maybe should provide such pictures..although I really don't think many are going to be impressed with maintenance photos...unless they're for a 5+ year period.

Then there are those really pushing things..even selling them. There's a certain hair loss guru with an ever changing "Top 6" that is now selling crap. I have yet to see decent pictures of him(all these years)- never an overhead shot either. The vids he's in have a convenient bright light/window in the background.

I guess some of the blame should go to those who would try such things and expect results when there's no photo-evidence from those claiming results. Now I don't think photos are always necessary...I'm even reluctant to jump on something even when pictures are provided. I guess I just can't understand telling ppl something is going to work and even pushing it..and worse- selling it...when you know most aren't going to have the kind of results they're looking for. Lack of a conscience...$... :dunno:


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Maintenance photos and photos of little vellus hairs aren't going to mean much. Photos are pretty pointless IMO, and those with aggressive male pattern baldness aren't going to regrow a "cosmetic difference" amount of hair to take photos of. Even the guy taking 20 different things (finasteride dutasteride ru etc etc) has posted pics of his vellus hairs, it didn't convince me to start using his regimen. Even if impressive photos are presented, you still can't expect what is working for them to work the same way for you.


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monty1978 said:
YOu're talking about Israelite I bet!

I sort of agree with what you are saying! Different things work for different people. A treatment programe for me needs to hit several bases for me to adopt it!

1- Likely to work but at least do no harm or cause side effects
2- Affordable in the long term
3- Practicable in the long term i.e not 20 topicals or cosmetically unacceptable

For example with number 3. If leaving pigs sh*t on your head for 23 hours a day cured hair loss it would hardly be worth it. You'd have to make damn good use of your 24th hour lol!
Agreed. If an extensive vitamin regimen was only meant for hairloss I wouldn't be taking it, but it's also good for countless other things (anti aging/telomere lengthening/anti cancer/energy/overall health). Using 20 different topicals wont benefit your entire body.

There has been debate over whether or not male pattern baldness is truly genetic. From the differences in aggressiveness and responses to treatments I've read from various users, I think the biological/genetic differences in people vary so much that it's difficult to assess the culprits in individual hairloss.

I'm not convinced that several people who think they are experiencing male pattern baldness actually are, which is why it's so easy for them to halt it with minoxidil or another topical alone, which I would bet that if they did something even simpler such as start eating healthy and change to a shampoo without so many chemicals it would do the same thing. Some may have a fungal/bacterial issue rather than a genetic one. For example one user reversed his hairloss with mainly vitamin A and minoxidil, who the hell knows what his issue really was, Vitamin A deficiency maybe?


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I disagree genetics plays a huge part in this. Some kind of genetic trait gets passed on.

I think the biological/genetic differences in people vary so much that it's difficult to assess the culprits in individual hairloss

I 100% agree with this, there is multiple culprits and not everyone will have the same set of culprits.


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that whole immortal hair thing is the biggest pile of bullshit ( IMHO). The reason i think this is because i went on to or whatever it's called and watched some webshow interviewing the people involved. One guy was going through the ingredients. He would mainly tell you why they are so good for your health and will stop diabetes etc etc... ie totally going off track, and saying nothing about how it would affect your hair. Also like jacob said, the immortal hair guy was being intervied in a room that had really poor lighting and was using a sh*t webcam. it's 2012... no need to have such an awful webcam and poor lighting. immortal hair is a big farse IMO.


Pyro said:
that whole immortal hair thing is the biggest pile of bullshit ( IMHO). The reason i think this is because i went on to (Link not permitted).org or whatever it's called and watched some webshow interviewing the people involved. One guy was going through the ingredients. He would mainly tell you why they are so good for your health and will stop diabetes etc etc... ie totally going off track, and saying nothing about how it would affect your hair. Also like jacob said, the immortal hair guy was being intervied in a room that had really poor lighting and was using a sh*t webcam. it's 2012... no need to have such an awful webcam and poor lighting. immortal hair is a big farse IMO.
I found the IH website not long after I began researching hair loss online, and my sceptics' alarm bells rang immediately. Pushing his "regimen", which varies month by month, with affiliate links to very specific brands of supplements. Then there's there's his laughable before and after photographs, and the pushing of other widely debunked pseudoscience (fluoride causes tooth decay so brush your teeth with salt, etc). It's just a shame to think of all those people who lose hair and waste money taking "natural" supplements that don't do anything to help prevent male pattern baldness. :(

(Besides, what's "natural" about food supplements? Taking vitamin or zinc or reversitol or whatever tablets is no more "natural" than taking any form of prescription medicine. They're all made in factories!)


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Pyro said:
that whole immortal hair thing is the biggest pile of bullshit ( IMHO). The reason i think this is because i went on to (Link not permitted).org or whatever it's called and watched some webshow interviewing the people involved. One guy was going through the ingredients. He would mainly tell you why they are so good for your health and will stop diabetes etc etc... ie totally going off track, and saying nothing about how it would affect your hair. Also like jacob said, the immortal hair guy was being intervied in a room that had really poor lighting and was using a sh*t webcam. it's 2012... no need to have such an awful webcam and poor lighting. immortal hair is a big farse IMO.

I know at least one person here posts over there :whistle: ...and I bet he still doesn't get asked for pictures of the top of his head..his crown..etc.

The whole sales pitch seems to be- it's good for overall health anyway....if it does anything for your hair.. that's a bonus. Well..after all the hype for it being for hair at first. Same for the topical- it's at least great for your skin! natural bars are made in a factory. Are you saying it's a drug? It's not natural food? LOL..I know what you're getting at though.


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First you have to define what natural means. Argument could be made finasteride is natural and everything on our planet or created by man is natural.
Ever see the informercial with Kevin Trudo on his book natural cures the big industry does not want you to know about? Yeah well that is a proven scam much like a lot of the crap those guys push on you because the lack of definite answers allows them to claim almost anything they want. Lets all be thankful for the FDA without them we would really be in a sea of garbage. I wish they would regulate cosmetics and other stuff too.


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The FDA screws up on a lot of things though as well. Including taking too long for potentially life-saving devices/procedures from being approved.

Still waiting for someone to ask that hair loss guru for decent pictures btw :whistle: