Onion Garlic Vinegar Protocol For Hair Loss


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Hey guys ! I was searching on the internet for some alternative treatments for hair loss and I stumbled upon this video. Could it be possbile that this combo might have reversed his hair loss? Or if this combo actually works like minoxidil or something. I would like to give it a try, but i'm afraid it might actually get worse. Any thoughts ?



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I could see this if your hairloss was started by either some fungal problem or a PH imbalance. It really wouldnt be viable for genetic hairloss.... I mean if you are hitting norwood territory due to ringworm by all means give this a shot.

My ma started using castor oil and swears by it. I honestly cant see her hairloss at all. She is hitting 60 and still has one of the thickest heads of hair Ive every seen, aside my brother and sister that is.


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The thing is, garlic contains a high amount of sulphur which is a good vasodilatator, so my guess is it would work like minoxidil. I'm curios if someone on this forum actually tried this and got some results, like the guy in the video. It really doesn't seem like a scam.


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The thing is, garlic contains a high amount of sulphur which is a good vasodilatator, so my guess is it would work like minoxidil. I'm curios if someone on this forum actually tried this and got some results, like the guy in the video. It really doesn't seem like a scam.

Im sure its not a scam, but results may vary is all. why not try the old wives remedy of just eating a clove a day. I used to do that, I forget what though.

heres an interesting article I just found.

I still think its personally far fetched. Let me know cause Ill be the first to eat my words. Though I think if this worked every guy on the planet would be bathing in garlic while simultaneously sipping fresh garlic juice and being hooked up to a garlic drip lol.

Also I was under the impression we still didnt even know how or WHY minoxidil worked


Minoxidil appears to work by widening the hair follicle, causing a thicker strand of hair, and by prolonging the anagen stage of hair growth which results in longer and a higher number of hair strands. The exact physiological basis for these effects remains unknown,


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I'm confident that herbal supplements can be made to work, however it's a guessing game. There has not been, and probably will not be, reliable herbal research.


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