Online purchase of Generic finasteride


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This may have been asked before, but not sure ....

Has anyone out there ever purchased generic finasteride from the following company? ... opecia.php claims it's a licensed mexican pharmacy and they advertise generic finasteride for $22 for a 30 day supply and $59 for 90 days.

While I'm always on the hunt for more affordable finasteride, my only concern is that it's the real thing.

Any thoughts?


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Everybody disagrees with me on this, but I woundn't mess around with generic drugs from other contries!! If its not made in the states, dont use it. From what I understand, Merck has a paten on finasteride for 2 more years, thats why insurance companies pay for Proscar. According to the drug book, (updated every month) generic finasteride doesnt exist.

Another question is.......Are generics from other contries FDA approved?
if so.....How, if Merck has a paten?...........and even if it comes from a reputable sorce, is the dose correct? Who polices the overseas drug makers?
I know internet drug companies are suppose to have a seal on there site, but I dont see it.
The price of Proscar is cheap. Your not saving much, witch in my opinion is a risk, by buying generic finasteride. and you dont want to overdose or raise your immunity to finasteride or any drug to save some money.