OOOOPS. I bought a bottle of 2%. Am I going to die?

Green Soap

Established Member
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I'm leaving out of town for three weeks and I was planning on ordering Dr.Lee's 5% when I get back.

I've been using 5% generic 1ml, whole head. Recently upped to 1.5 ml. Probably going to upgrade to 2ml whole head when I get back.

Anyway, ran out of 5 and bought a bottle to tide me over on my trip..

it's frigging 2% :evil:

Am I going to be okay? Will it be like a breather for my head or am I going to go through an insane shed?

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Go out and buy a bottle of 5%. Then, head out to the garbage bin and toss the 2% in, and chalk it up as a lesson learned...

The Rock

Established Member
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u could just apply the 2% 1 more application and that would maybe even thigns out

Green Soap

Established Member
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You mean just keep it and use 2ml per application and use it up?

BTW it dries super fast compared to 5%.

Is it going to cause me problems as a temporary pause? It'll only last me 2.5 weeks tops.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Don't f*** with the regimen.

Wherever it is you are on travel, it can't be that difficult to find a store somewhere that carries 5% Minoxidil. I mean, we are talking about a half hour detour here to accomplish this task, and then you'll be set for the rest of your 2 and a half weeks. Get some 5% minoxidil, keep the pace, and don't f*** with the regimen.


Experienced Member
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Just apply more of the 2%. It's the same stuff, only more concentrated in the 5% formulation. If you apply more of the 2%, or more often, you're doing the same thing as applying the 5%.