Opinions on my problem...Telogen Effluvium vs. Androgenetic Alopecia


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I've been losing hair for 3 years now. Derm. first said it was Telogen Effluvium due to
iron def. When I went back 9 months later after iron levels were up he then said it maybe Androgenetic Alopecia. Anyway a year later I became pregnant and my hair stopped falling out and in fact grew back, not as thick as it once was but a definite difference. I thought my hair problem was solved till I gave birth and 3 mo. later it all fell out again. .. and worse. I'm down to nothing now. All my docs. say I'am healthy, Thyroid, hormone, and iron tests are "normal". . . so it must be stress (bah, don't believe that for a second)
I do know that my ferriten levels are still low 20. My Doctor thinks this is fine. Doesn't attribue my hair loss to low ferriten at all. What do you think? Also, if I had Androgenetic Alopecia why would my hair grow back during the pregnancy? wouldn't that be permanently lost hair. I'm so confused.