opinions on worldwide hairloss fund raising campaign?


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guys i dont know how much longer I can tolerate this hairloss thing.. while hairloss has been widely associated with genetics, theres noone in my family that has suffered hairloss at age 50, left alone my young age of 25..

back in high school i used to wear hats almost everyday as that was the style.. I've pretty much worn them ever since.. but now I feel I'm married to one.. I completely shave my head but its exhausting to get up in the morning and throw a hat on right away so I can hide my thinning hair from my roommates..

I was at a dance club I go to the other day and got pretty tore up.. about 15 friends of mine go to this place once a week, one of them pulled my hat off my head.. its so weird.. its like when you're losing your hair your hat is a magnet for others to remove.. because my head is shaved and the club is dark they couldnt necessarily tell I was going bald.. but the next day I got asked by one of them what was up with the shaved head.. i just played it off as a "different" choice of style.. nothing else was said.. the deja vu part about this is.. I had this very same thing happen about 6 months back before my hair was short by a guy I havent seen since high school who showed up at the same club.. he took my hat from me but it was obvious I was going bald cause my hair was significantly longer and thin spots were visible.. i was so pissed.. i never had problems with people grabbing my hat until this hairloss thing.. its pure bad luck because those who yank it from me arent aware of my problem so they're not doing it in spite.. anyway

i want to further my career but I've stopped going to school last semester.. most work environments will not let you wear headgear as it's usually not considered professionial or appropriate.. and I dont feel I can ever go outside with a shaved head.. some people look good with shaved heads.. im not convinced i do...

a few months ago I was asked to sit in traffic court for personal amusement by a family member.. i realize court requires specific attire but I figured this was traffic court.. hell its not even a "real" judge presiding.. so I said sure.. I walked in with my hat on.. about 20 minutes later court was about to begin.. the magistrate was almost inside when one of the bailiffs across the court pointed at my hat.. i was hoping he
wasnt motioning me to take it off.. so I just kind of looked away.. when I looked back, he was motioning it again in a heavier manner before the magistrate had walked in.. so I took it off and felt like the whole room was staring at me.. we're talking 50-75 people, mainly defendants of tickets.. I quickly walked out and went into the bathroom.. I really felt like committing suicide.. that was so humiliating.. so I said to my family member that I had shaved my head and didnt like the appearance so I really didnt want to remove my hat.. dont let something like this happen to you, it was so humiliating, so degrading, so embarassing.. I cant imagine what those people thought.. the good news is I never had to see any of them again.. the bad news is, my hairloss spell still prevails

not that it would help any of us in the near coming future but what do you guys think about developing a worldwide hair loss fund raising campaign to help research a proven and reliable cure? I still think we're 5-15 years out from a reversing solution and I'm not sure what impact the fund would have in starting it now

but anyway, I guess I'll truck on with proscar and minoxidil 5% even though I dont appear to be seeing any results.. which is another reason I'm lead to believe this is medically related.. this hairloss thing has really screwed up my life, im not sure ill ever be able to get out of my current job which actually does allow me to dress very relaxed and wear head gear.. and that sucks cause I know what I'm capable of and I make everything but a respectable salary for my age at the moment.. there goes all my training


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Have you seen a doctor about this? You should at least get a blood test, and if that comes up clear, find a good dermatologist and get their opinion. I just got a blood test a few days ago because my hairloss doesn't follow any pattern and there's no genetic precedent. Results aren't in yet. The doctor also told me she thought I had stress related alopecia areata in one part of my head and perhaps telogen effluvium. I don't know if she's right, but it's good to go to know what you're up against.


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Have you seen a doctor about this? You should at least get a blood test, and if that comes up clear, find a good dermatologist and get their opinion. I just got a blood test a few days ago because my hairloss doesn't follow any pattern and there's no genetic precedent. Results aren't in yet. The doctor also told me she thought I had stress related alopecia areata in one part of my head and perhaps telogen effluvium. I don't know if she's right, but it's good to go to know what you're up against.


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Have you seen a doctor about this? You should at least get a blood test, and if that comes up clear, find a good dermatologist and get their opinion. I just got a blood test a few days ago because my hairloss doesn't follow any pattern and there's no genetic precedent. Results aren't in yet. The doctor also told me she thought I had stress related alopecia areata in one part of my head and perhaps telogen effluvium. I don't know if she's right, but it's good to go to know what you're up against.


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I know losing your hair sucks, but you shouldnt let it affect your life in such a drastic manner that you cant even get a job, go to school or go out because of it.
I am 23 and losing my hair and i hate it, but you have to learn how to deal with it. I just broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years about a month ago and the other night i went to a club and saw a girl that I hadnt seen in about 4 years and she tells me, oh my god you are losing your hair, so I just made pretend it doesnt bother me, played it cool, we talked and danced the whole night and I got her number. So, even though we are losing hair we can still get women.

Now to get back on topic, I think a fund raising campaign would be a good idea, but seems like something real difficult to do. If someone can get something like this going, I think it will be a great benefit for the development of some type of cure for hairloss.