Opinions please: Should I get a transplant?????

finster baby

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I am a youthful-looking 45 year old male with a Norwood 4 class hair line/crown. Been losing hair very slowly for about 20 years (no regular shedding).

Recently I went to a reputable transplant doctor who told me I will probably get to Norwood 6 by the time I'm in my 60s. He said I have about 5500 donor hairs available.

I was offered a plan to "fill in" my hair line with 1500 grafts (what I can afford at the moment) and possibly do another 1500 on the crown in the future.

I have been losing sleep over making a decision about the procedure! I don't want to end up with an unnatural hair loss pattern if I don't have enough donor hairs over my lifetime (and after spending over $30,000).

Anyone else with similar experience?

THANK YOU VERY MUCH in advance :)


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Will need around 2000-3000 to reconstruct the frontal region (hairline, temples, and temple points)

1500 will give a horrible result. it'll be wispy, and see through.


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My Regimen
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you are a very good candidate for a hair transplant, if your hair transplant doctor suspects you will lose more, start finasteride and and it will stop any future loss, this will allow you to get the transplant without any worries about the hair behind falling out

finster baby

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Will need around 2000-3000 to reconstruct the frontal region (hairline, temples, and temple points)

1500 will give a horrible result. it'll be wispy, and see through.

you are a very good candidate for a hair transplant, if your hair transplant doctor suspects you will lose more, start finasteride and and it will stop any future loss, this will allow you to get the transplant without any worries about the hair behind falling out

Well, thank you both for the replies.

Does anyone know if $5.50 per graft is a good deal? ($8250 for 1500 FUT)


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Well, thank you both for the replies.

Does anyone know if $5.50 per graft is a good deal? ($8250 for 1500 FUT)

I paid roughly 4.40-4.50 per FUT with Dr.Rahal, and he's a renowned surgeon.

Who did you get that quote from?


Established Member
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I know I might go off topic a bit but have you read the 'hair piece' section on the forum ? I'd never considered it but had a nose out of boredom - everyone there raves about hair pieces and that they wish they never bothered with transplants. Just have a nose it's really interesting


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U do relaise a surgeon emphasises it's main priority with the frontal region then gradually works backwards with what's left. it's not even conservative, the result will be terrible. Only option will be a buzzcut to show 'hair on head' rather then actually having the ability to style.

Go on ********************* and you'll see almost every NW2-3 has between 2000-3000 grafts, and these are all from reputable surgeons such as Dr. Feriedini, Dr hakan dogany, Rahal, Fellar, arocha, konior... etc The best in the industry.

Aggressive doesn't mean giving a dense hair line. Aggressive is going beyond reach, and restoring a juvenile hairline, and not having enough left over to graft other places. Giving a dense hairline is always a priority, but it's not going to be where most want it. Chances are it'll be higher up followed by a widows peak. The hairline is always the priority for graft availability.


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Of course a hair piece is a viable option for hair loss . That's why they exist and that's why people use them. Modern hair pieces are **** hot . It might not be a viable option for you . But for others it is . It might not even be viable for the person that started the thread , however we're all here to help each other . After having a look through the hair piece forum he or others may consider it that's why I posted. Any how's a modern hair piece is now called a 'hair system .

finster baby

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I paid roughly 4.40-4.50 per FUT with Dr.Rahal, and he's a renowned surgeon.

Who did you get that quote from?

I got the quote from True & Dorin.

I'm going to also look into Dr. Rahal, Dr. Feller and Dr. Kleinman from Hair Restoration Center, which advertises $3.00 per graft (but has good reviews).

Thanks again for input.

finster baby

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I know I might go off topic a bit but have you read the 'hair piece' section on the forum ? I'd never considered it but had a nose out of boredom - everyone there raves about hair pieces and that they wish they never bothered with transplants. Just have a nose it's really interesting

Of course a hair piece is a viable option for hair loss . That's why they exist and that's why people use them. Modern hair pieces are **** hot . It might not be a viable option for you . But for others it is . It might not even be viable for the person that started the thread , however we're all here to help each other . After having a look through the hair piece forum he or others may consider it that's why I posted. Any how's a modern hair piece is now called a 'hair system .

Thank you for the suggestion, but I wouldn't feel comfortable with a hair piece. Just my personal preference.

I'll just drop this here as usual: a hair piece is not a viable solution for hair loss. Source: my father has been wearing one for 35 years.

Don't listen to shookwun and take a conservative approach, if you drop too much grafts on that area of your scalp, you'll be out of donor when your hair loss progress.

Thank you, I will be consulting a couple of other doctors and will report back here, in case it helps others in the future.


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No one on this forum would have what it takes to go through with it. Maybe you're wearing a piece right? Are you?

Then you are the only one around here who does that, there may be one or two other persons who have tried it and realised it was not viable.

What people use them? Where? Where are the before/after pictures on this forum? Not from promotional videos, authentic pictures from regular users.

There are almost none on every general forum, while there are hundreds of results from hair transplants, that should tell you something.

Why would they come to a forum and post results? Your average Joe would just go to hair direct and be done with it.

I came here because I wanted to keep/ regrow my hair. If I was too far gone I would have gone straight to a studio or toplace (which incidently gets more traffic than most of these websites combined).

Just because you don't see many systems on HairLossTalk.com/btt/hlh doesn't mean there aren't thousands and thousands of people out there wearing successfully.


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Fred There's a whole section on this forum dedicated to hair systems with plenty of pics dumb ***. A hair transplant is fine but what they don't tell you is you need topping up every few years and once you run out of Donor hair your fukced. See you in a few years at the hair system section of the forum lol .

- - - Updated - - -

Anyway back to the person that started the topic my hairline was slightly worst than yours and now have a pretty good head of hair by just taking up a regime of the big 3 take a look at my success thread .

finster baby

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Fred There's a whole section on this forum dedicated to hair systems with plenty of pics dumb ***. A hair transplant is fine but what they don't tell you is you need topping up every few years and once you run out of Donor hair your fukced. See you in a few years at the hair system section of the forum lol .

- - - Updated - - -

Anyway back to the person that started the topic my hairline was slightly worst than yours and now have a pretty good head of hair by just taking up a regime of the big 3 take a look at my success thread .

Wow! Very dramatic results. Good for you man.:bravo:


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But you don't wear a hair piece.

And your point being ? At the end of the day it's an option and in moderm terms it's called a hair system they've advanced considerably over the years. I don't use one as don't need one . I considered it before my regime and would have had one from the link I provided and have it professionally done rather than just order somthing off the net. As we all know there is no perfect solution to hair loss at the moment . We individually choose what we want use to help us. For you it was a hair transplant . Others may prefer a hair system due to cost and not requiring maintence . I can't afford a transplant and if I could I'd still probably choose a proffessional hair system over it . As it looks better and requires no maintence but on the flip others may feel insecure about this option and prefer real hair and have a transplant and be willing to put up with the maintence - extra grafts every few years until they run out . What's right for one person might not be right for another .

Cincinnati Kid

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A hair system is a half measure. Can some of them look okay? Sure, but they definitely aren't for most people. It's like a chick that hates her small boobs. Would she walk around in a water bra for 20 years, or get implants? Half measures usually don't work out too well. I know it would drive me nuts wondering if people could notice if it was a rug, or if I could wear it to the beach, or if it shifted when I scratched my head, or any number of things that could go wrong.

I feel like I would be more embarrassed to be caught wearing a hair piece than to just walk around with the Mr. Clean hairstyle, but that's just me. Opinions may vary. Transplant seems like the only viable option for the long haul. And OP, by the time you are 60, nobody is even really going to care if you got a bald spot because most men are completely bald by that time anyway. Get the most out of your transplant now while you're still young enough to enjoy it. Just one man's opinion.


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I totally agree - it would definite make some people feel insecure. I would have my concerns also but you can actually go swimming with a hair system and should you pull it , your scalp would come off first lol ! But your right it's a bit like getting a boob job and in-plants for women metophorically speaking . Im 37 now and hoping with the drugs I'll keep my hair until it doesn't matter anymore . I just kept mine buzzed before treatment which is the easiest way of dealing with it .